SocketTools .NET Edition 10.0.1274.1931

Released: May 18, 2021

Updates in 10.0.1274.1931


  • Secure connections will now automatically fall back to using TLS 1.2 if support for TLS 1.3 has not been enabled on the local system. Microsoft has not made TLS 1.3 generally available for the Schannel SSPI and is considered experimental.
  • The MIME content type application/ is recognized for executable files and dynamic load libraries (DLLs) which are attached to messages.
  • Valid message attachments which do not explicitly specify a file name will now be automatically assigned a default name based on the content type associated with the attachment.
  • Relaxed validation of email addresses which contain extraneous whitespace but are otherwise valid.
  • Modified the automatic proxy detection to exclude specific protocols if configured in the exception list.
  • When the user's proxy configuration bypasses local addresses, all hostnames which are not fully qualified will now match the local exclusion rules.
  • Modified the behavior of the HttpClient.PostData in the .NET class to always convert string payloads to UTF-8. The overloaded versions of the method which accept byte arrays are not affected by this change.
  • The License Manager utility should now display the option to check for product updates for all SocketTools editions.
  • The installer package (setup) will now automatically check for new updates at the end of the installation process.
  • Minor updates and improvements to the HTML Help documentation.


  • Support for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2003 has been officially deprecated.
  • Corrected an issue where internationalized domain names (IDNs) may not resolve correctly when used with a proxy server.
  • Corrected an issue where invoking the Reset method in the InternetMail ActiveX control would not clear the current user credentials.
  • Corrected an issue where the BearerToken property was not available in the InternetMail .NET class and ActiveX control.
  • Corrected an issue where context sensitive help would not display correctly in Visual Basic 6.0 for the FileTransfer and InternetMail ActiveX controls.
  • Corrected an issue where the local proxy configuration would be ignored if the proxy server was specified using a URL instead of a domain name.
  • Removed the deprecated "FAX" addressing scheme used in older versions of Microsoft Outlook. These types of addresses will now be flagged as invalid.
  • Corrected an issue where a file attachment with a long file name would not be recognized by the MIME parser.
  • Corrected a potential buffer overrun if a MIME header field value was malformed.
  • Corrected an issue where assigning previously encoded text to a MIME message part could cause it to be re-encoded.
  • Text content which does not require base64 or quoted-printable encoding will not be automatically encoded when inserted into a MIME message part.