ComponentSource® is delighted to announce the latest awards for our bestselling products and leading publishers.
There are two sets of awards: ComponentSource Bestselling Product Awards for 2019 and ComponentSource Bestselling Publisher Awards for 2019. The allocation of the awards has been calculated based on real sales orders placed by our customers globally during 2018.
Top 5 Publisher Awards
Note: The above Publishers also win a Top 5 Publisher Award.
Top 10 Publisher Awards
Top 25 Publisher Awards (sorted alphabetically)
Top 50 Publisher Awards (sorted alphabetically)
Top 100 Publisher Awards (sorted alphabetically)
Bestselling Publisher Awards Explained
The publishers have each been allocated a Top 5, Top 10, Top 25, Top 50 or Top 100 Bestselling Publisher Award for 2019 based on the following ranking:
- total sales USD $ value for all the individual products in their entire product range aggregated together
- for sales made to our customers in over 180 countries worldwide
- less the value of any refunds made due to issues with their products
- between the dates Jan 1st, 2018 to Dec 31st, 2018 inclusive
- sales made in non-USD $ currencies have been converted into USD $ to get a final total value
- the list has then been sorted and the awards made based on the publisher ranking achieved
- the awards were announced in 2019 - hence we use 2019 in the Award name