SharePoint List Advanced Filter
使用多個 Sharepoint 欄位作為篩選 SharePoint 清單中任何資訊的條件。
ComponentSource 開始代理銷售的日期:2009年
SharePoint List Advanced Filter lets users retrieve the right information with multi-value filters from a SharePoint list or library. Users have the option to create powerful and smart filter criteria by columns, comparisons, and logic operators (AND, OR), which can simplify a large list to only the items meeting a strict criteria. SharePoint List Advanced Filter reduces an administrator’s workload by allowing users to set up individual configurations and unique filter panels.
Filter using multiple values
SharePoint List Advanced Filter allows end users to set up complex and multi-field filters to focus on specific information in a SharePoint list or document library.
Filter any SharePoint column
End users can filter any SharePoint column that is available in any SharePoint list or library, including Text, Choice, Number, Lookup, Date and Time, People or Group etc.
Easy to fill values for the filter
Detect column types and provide corresponding UI elements for end...
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