Export Charts to SVG with React

January 10, 2024
Provide flexibility for users by giving your applications the ability to export charts to SVG format.

Exporting charts to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format is vital for maintaining high-quality visuals in digital formats. SVGs are resolution-independent, meaning they retain their quality at any size, which is crucial for presentations or reports that might be viewed on different devices. This feature allows users to share their charts outside the chart creation tool while ensuring visual fidelity and sharpness.

Several React chart controls offer support for exporting to SVG including:

  • Highcharts Core is a lightweight, pure JavaScript library for interactive charts with extensive SVG export options.
  • KendoReact Chart provides declarative React charts with data-driven API and built-in SVG export for seamless integration in any React project.
  • Syncfusion JavaScript Chart is a feature-rich chart library with an intuitive API and flexible SVG export support for interactive visualizations and customizability.
  • FusionCharts Suite XT is a comprehensive charting platform with powerful SVG export tools and pre-built templates for rapid development and easy integration.

For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our React chart controls comparison.

Compare React Chart Controls