Visual Assist 2023.1

Improves code formatting when pasting Unreal Engine source code.
February 7, 2023
New Version


  • Improved parser auto-type deduction for pointers.
  • Improved parser support for C# tuple deconstruction.
  • Added parser support for C++ 17's structured binding from a constructor.
  • Added support for custom shader file extensions.
  • Improved code formatting when pasting Unreal Engine source code.
  • Added UI to 'Find References' results to repeat a search for the entire solution.
  • Added Code Inspection for 'bugprone-inaccurate-erase' clang checker.
  • Added Code Inspection for 'bugprone-bool-pointer-implicit-conversion' clang checker.
Visual Assist

Visual Assist

Filling gaps in Visual Studio for C/C++ and C# developers.

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