QueryStorm 2.9.8525.20169

Adds HTTP request infrastructure for throttling and API key management.
May 5, 2023
New Version


  • Apps can now specify a 'minRuntimeVersion'.
  • Added HTTP request infrastructure for throttling and API key management (request/try/retry loop).
  • Improved handling of licensing prompts (avoid multiple prompts for licensed functions evaluating in multiple cells).
  • 'IDialogServiceExt' interface has been added which allows apps to show dialogs from XAML files and VM objects.
  • Added support for C# scripts returning 'ExpandoObjects'.
  • IDialogService: All dialogs are now shown center screen, close on 'Esc' key and allow hyperlinks that open the browser.
  • All licensing dialogs will now share remembered username regardless of app.
  • Synchronization context is now assigned inside async Microsoft Excel functions (so execution after async calls will resume on the main thread).


Excel Plugin adds powerful development and data processing capabilities into Microsoft Excel.

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