CodeRush 21.1.4

Released: Jun 17, 2021

Updates in 21.1.4


  • Organize Members Enhancements - You can now create rules for properties with backing fields to group and sort them with the following criteria:
    • Keep backing fields with their corresponding properties.
    • Group properties with backing fields by visibility.
  • Test Runner - The Test Runner now can show "pretty-formatted" names for xUnit test cases in Microsoft .NET Core projects. To support xUnit's method display names, CodeRush uses the xUnit's methodDisplay and methodDisplayOptions settings.


  • Code Places - Loading 'Favorites' items doesn't consider case sensitivity of a current language.
  • IntelliRush - A memory leak occurs after a document is closed.
  • Refactoring - 'Expand Ternary Expression' adds a redundant line break before a closing bracket.
  • Refactoring - 'Sync Namespace with Folder Structure' incorrectly determines the default namespace for a project.
  • Unit Testing - It is not possible to collapse a node with a selected child node on running tests.
  • Unit Testing - Visual Studio hangs on opening a solution that contains MSTest tests and when running these tests.