CodeRush 21.1.6

Released: Aug 11, 2021

Updates in 21.1.6


  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Preview Support - CodeRush now installs and runs in the Visual Studio 2022 Preview. You can use one of the following ways to add the CodeRush extension to Visual Studio 2022 Preview:
    • Visual Studio Marketplace - Download the CodeRush for Visual Studio 2022 extension from the Visual Studio Manage Extensions window and run the VSIX installer to install CodeRush.
    • Download Manager - If you already have a CodeRush subscription, you can download a registered version from DevExpress Download Manager and install it using the .exe installer.
  • Performance Enhancements
    • Code Coverage - The Code Coverage window now loads faster when it runs the first time. The member graph build time has also been decreased.
    • The Debug Visualizer is now faster when stepping over, into or out of code blocks.
  • JavaScript/TypeScript Region Painting Support - Region Painting is now available in JavaScript and TypeScript. To enable this feature, click the Region Painting button on the CodeRush Visualize toolbar.


  • Formatting - An attribute is indented incorrectly.
  • Formatting - The formatting action should not remove a custom new line if the "Keep existing line breaks" option is enabled.
  • Formatting - The formatting action incorrectly processes the "#endregion" directive and leads to a compiler error.
  • IntelliRush inserts a redundant argument list into a method that already contains them.
  • Navigation - "Jump to symbol" navigation performs an endless search when all files are closed.
  • Member Icons - The "Copy" command should not keep selection after it is applied.
  • Refactorings - "Import Missing Namespaces" does not work for multiple undeclared namespace references in a single file.
  • Refactorings - "Sync Namespace with Folder Structure" is canceled only for the second time.
  • The Rich Comments feature incorrectly displays inserted transparent images.