EaseFilter File System Monitor Filter Driver SDK Licensing

If you need to discuss your licensing requirements for EaseFilter File System Monitor Filter Driver SDK, please contact our EaseFilter licensing specialists.

The In House Developer License
An In House Developer license allows one developer to create an unlimited number of derived works using the product. The derived works can be deployed to one site (physical location) within your organization. This license does not support royalty free distribution, public facing web or SaaS project deployment scenarios. An In House Developer license covers one developer and/or one location. A license must be purchased for each developer in the team, or for each location the derived works will be deployed at, whichever is the greater.For the additional developer license, the price is the 50% of the regular developer license.
In house developer license requires you to activate the license for every computer which will use the SDK. The maximum computers are 50.

The OEM Developer License
An OEM Developer license allows one developer to create an unlimited number of derived works using the product. The derived works can be deployed to an unlimited number of sites (physical locations) within or outside of your organization. This license type supports royalty free distribution, public facing web and SaaS project deployment scenarios. One OEM Developer license must be purchased for each developer using the SDK to create derived works. You can get an unlimited OEM Developer License if you purchase two full OEM Developer License. The OEM developer license only requires you to activate the license on the developer's computer.

The Source Code License
The Source Code license allows you to develop your software without developer limitation, it grants to you nontransferable, nonexclusive, royalty-free license to make and use copies of the Source Code and install such Source Code on any number of your computers (i) for your internal use , (ii) to design, develop and test your software products. You may not redistribute the Source Code, or any component thereof, or not to any third party.

Support Service
Licenses include 180 days subscription and support, subscription can be renewed for 1 Year if purchased before the initial subscription period has expired.

Support and Consulting Program
The Premier Support and Consulting Program includes faster response times, dedicated support and project consultation services for 1 year.

License Agreements