FastCube FMX

FastCube FMX enables you to analyze data and to build summary tables (data slices) as well as create a variety of reports and graphs both easily and instantly. It's a handy tool for the efficient analysis of data arrays.

FastCube FMX is a tool for effective data analysis

FastCube enables you to analyze data and to build summary tables (data slices) as well as create a variety of reports and graphs both easily and instantly. It's a handy tool for the efficient analysis of data arrays. FastCube FMX is a set of OLAP Desktop components. It supports Embarcadero Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio. You can integrate it to applications for Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS X.

  • FastCube FMX components can be built into the...

Latest News

FastReport Delphi and Lazarus Editions 2023.3
FastReport Delphi and Lazarus Editions 2023.3
October 3, 2023New Version
Improves resource localization editor and adds support for new types of electronic signature.
FastCube 2023.2
FastCube 2023.2
May 19, 2023New Version
Adds integration with FastScript and HiDPI support for high-resolution monitors.
FastCube FMX 2021.1
FastCube FMX 2021.1
October 25, 2021New Version
Adds support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 11 Alexandria.
FastCube FMX 1.5
FastCube FMX 1.5
September 7, 2020New Version
Adds support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney.
FastCube FMX 1.4
FastCube FMX 1.4
November 2, 2016New Version
Adds support for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.
FastCube FMX 1.2 released
FastCube FMX 1.2 released
February 5, 2016Feature Release
Adds support for Embarcadero Rad Studio 10 Seattle.
One software license is required per named user. Run-time royalty free. Single Named User License - Licenses an individual named user. Team License - Licenses up to 4 Named Users within the same...

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Component Type
  • FMX

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