FormSuite for Structured Forms v5.1

Released: Aug 9, 2018

Updates in v5.1


  • Form creation enhancements to FormAssist tool:
    • Multiple form fields can be reordered through simple drag and drop and easily copied from one template to another, streamlining the creation of new forms.
    • Tools like OCR and ICR are accessed more conveniently through shortcuts.
    • Form templates can be cloned to create new templates with similar fields.
  • Forms processing samples for various web architectures:
    • Examples of basic forms processing have been added to illustrate the use of the toolkit with variety of storage options.
  • Updated Microsoft Visual Studio support:
    • Added support for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017.
  • Updated Microsoft Windows support:
    • Added support for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.


  • Minor updates were made to the installer to improve Windows menu navigation. To speed installation, the Accusoft toolbox is now installed using VSIX package support.
  • Removed support for Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013.