Infragistics Ignite UI for JavaScript/HTML5 and ASP.NET MVC 16.2 Build 16.2.20162.2141

Released: May 26, 2017

Updates in 16.2 Build 16.2.20162.2141


AngularJS (Two-way data binding)

  • Removing records doesn't update the Paging label for total records and the number of pages.

Angular 2 (Two-way data binding)

  • When binding datasource using two-way data binding of igniteui-angular2, RowSelectors's events are not fired.
  • A new row is added into the current page even if page size exceeds the limit when data source is AngularJS two-way bound to the grid and an item is pushed to the data source.

MVC Wrappers (Editor)

  • igNumericEditor MVC shouldn't render value as string on client.

MVC Wrappers (FileUpload)

  • ServerMessage does not allow curly brackets.

MVC Wrappers (Scaffolding)

  • MVC Scaffolding includes unwanted semi-colon in View.


  • Browser becomes unresponsive after changing AxisLabelFontSize properties at runtime.
  • First major gridline not drawn with odd major interval (column, steparea, stepline, waterfall).
  • Setting yAxisTitleAlignment to "top" or "bottom" rotates title and draws title into plot area.


  • Incorrect dependencies in the source code of the controls with AMD support.
  • igCombo with validation doesn't raise Validator's errorHidden event.


  • OPD slider is misplaced on Chrome
  • Memory leak in igDataChart after calling destroy.
  • Uncaught TypeError is thrown when using empty data source and Legend is defined.


  • getData method on igDoughnutChart throws an exception.
  • igGridWhen the igGrid is scrolled the scrollbars do not appear on Mac OS X.
  • Horizontal scrollbar for igGrid is not visible when resizing a column on an Angular2 app.
  • With AppendRowsOnDemand when adding new rows with autoCommit:false the next chunk of data is not loaded when the "Load more data" button is clicked.
  • Fixed column is trimmed when fixingDirection is "right".
  • When moving a fixed column to the last position in the unfixed area the cell text is not fully visible.
  • Remote GroupBy is not working with remote Paging.
  • When the data source is changed with another containing the same PKs, updating fails to refresh the UI in a Knockout grid.
  • When hiding the last column in virtual grid the headers and cells become misaligned.
  • Parent DOM element that has scroll bar and contains a grid with virtualization won't scroll when revolving the mouse  wheel on the grid scroll area.


  • IntelliSense for igGrid options and events under igHierarchicalGrid initialization are not working for TypeScript application.
  • Exception is thrown when trying to expand an empty child when Load on Demand is enabled (initialDataBindDepth : 0).
  • Filtering a child grid in igHierarchicalGrid and hiding a column of the root grid no longer allows to clear filtering to that child grid.
  • In remote GroupBy scenario the child layouts cannot be grouped.
  • Paging is not working for the 3-rd level in the hierarchy.
  • DataSource does not reflect newly added rows if a cell was edited previously.


  • OPD uses wrong CSS class in the combined CSS file on a touch enabled device.


  • Filter popup is displayed in the wrong place if the control is inside igSplitter panel and width is 100%.
  • igPivotGrid cannot be created with jQuery 3.x.
  • Row header width stretches unexpectedly when expanding column.
  • defaultRowHeaderWidth and gridOptions.defaultColumnWidth are not respected.