MindFusion.Scheduling for JavaScript V1.2

Released: Jan 23, 2019

Updates in V1.2



  • startTime and endTime read-only properties return the time of the first and last visible calendar cells.
  • itemsStartTime and itemsEndTime read-only properties return the time of the first and last calendar cells, that can contain items.
  • getItemCells method returns the calendar view cells that hold the specified item's visual elements.
  • getCellItems method returns the items, whose visual elements are contained in the specified calendar cell.
  • getItemDom method returns the specified item's visual elements.
  • itemsChanged and itemsChanging events are raised whenever the user has changed or tries to change the calendar's schedule collections of items and resources.
  • All item interactions (drag, resize, in-place edit) now raise the itemModifying and itemModified events. The type of interaction is stored in the ItemModifiedEventArgs.action field.


  • getAllItems method retrieves all events, including recurrent item instances, scheduled to occur in the specified time interval.
  • itemsChanging, itemsChanged events are raised when items are added and removed from the items collection.

BaseForm class

  • Calendar and item read-only properties allow access to the underlying calendar and the modified item.
  • Element, header, content properties return references to the corresponding DOM elements.
  • Controls property returns a dictionary, containing references to all controls present in the form.


  • Day headers in month and week views can now be set to fill the whole day cell via the expandDayHeaders property of the corresponding settings class.
  • Localization json files.
  • Updated themes.