PDFlib+PDI 10.0.1

Released: Sep 30, 2022

Updates in 10.0.1


  • Added support for PHP 8.2.
  • Updated to curl 7.85.0.
  • Added correct table checksums to TrueType/OpenType fonts retrieved as hostfonts on macOS.


  • Imported listbox fields without an appearance stream were rendered without taking the /TI entry in the form field dictionary into account (which corresponds to the "topindex" option of PDF_create_field()).
  • The callout line of imported FreeText annotations was not placed correctly and ended up at a wrong location on the output page if the imported page contained a /Rotate key with a value different from 0.
  • When importing Line annotations with PDI the caption position could be wrong.
  • PostScript Type 1 fonts are not supported as host fonts on macOS. However, they no longer trigger an exception but only a warning since they can still be used as file-based fonts.
  • The PDFlib .NET binding did not work with current AWS Linux Lambda Docker images.
  • The PHP binding was not working on RedHat Linux 8 for ARM 64.
  • Changed the target moniker framework (TFM) entry in the .NET samples and documentation to "net6.0".
  • With option "script=_auto" for Textline and Textflow output OpenType features were applied in an unexpected way with certain fonts, which could also thwart shaping.