Smart UI (Smart HTML Elements) Releases
Released: Nov 30, 2021
Updates in v11.0.0
- Gantt Chart
- Task deadlines.
- Tooltips for tasks, connections, resources, segments and indicators.
- Task baseline which shows planned dataStart/dateEnd for the tasks.
- Task segments. Tasks can now be segmented into multiple sub-tasks on a single line.
- Task indicators. Task indicators show different events base on their date inside the corresponding task row.
- Date markers. Markers designate specific dates with a vertical line across the timeline.
- New Task editing Dialog. Added tabs with...
Released: Aug 16, 2021
Updates in v10.0.0
- Added support for Gantt chart virtualization, this allows you to load thousands of tasks in a Gantt file.
- Updated and changed Gantt chart API, added additional methods, properties and events.
- Added Kanban column reordering and editing.
- Added the ability to dynamically add tasks (with UI) to Kanban.
- Added Dynamic Tags in the Kanban edit dialog.
- Added new Kanban Column Menu which allows you to collapse, edit and remove columns.
- Added support for Grid Filter Menu rendering. Added filter...
Released: Jul 7, 2021
Updates in v9.4.1
- Added Find and Replace functionality to the Editor.
- Added Editor Context Menu.
- Added Grid API Updates.
- Added Grid Performance Updates.
- Added Editor Content Filtering.
- Added Editor Toolbar Ribbon mode.
Released: May 10, 2021
Updates in v9.3.0
- Added new Bootstrap Theme.
- Added new SCSS Theme files for easier styling.
- Added new HTML and Markdown Editor.
- Added new Bootstrap Admin Dashboard template.
- Improved Table performance with UI Virtualization.
- Added Angular Stackblitz examples.
- Added support for Blazor CardView callback functions.
- Added Blazor Grid Editing API.
Released: Feb 4, 2021
Updates in v9.1.0
- Added Scheduler event filtering.
- Added server-side Scheduler model.
- Added Scheduler Google Calendar sync.
- Added new Scheduler for Blazor.
- Added Scheduler mobile rendering.
- Improved Blazor performance.
- Improved Scheduler scrolling performance.
- Improved custom Table rendering API.
- Added Admin Dashboard templates.
Released: Dec 21, 2020
Updates in v9.0.0
- Added new Scheduler for JavaScript, Angular, React and Vue.
- Added new server-side Table, CardView, Kanban and Pivot Table models.
- Added new Pivot Table Selection Details.
- Added new Pivot Table Charts.
- Added the ability to Sort by Row in a Pivot Table.
- Added the ability to bind Datagrid to CSV, TSV, XML and JSON.
- Added new Table HTML Virtualization.
Released: Nov 11, 2020
Updates in v8.1.1
- Added new Microsoft Blazor Components.
- Added new Server-side Grid model.
- Added the ability to resize Table columns.
- Added new Table column hierarchy.
- Added new Table formulas support.
- Added new Router component.
Released: Sep 15, 2020
Updates in v8.0.0
- Added new Pivot Table component.
- Added new Number Input component.
- Added new Date Input component.
- Added new Time Input component.
- Added new ButtonGroup component.
- Added the ability to use custom sorting in a Table.
- Added the ability to use new checkbox selection in a Table.
- Added the ability to use state maintenance in a Table.
- Added the ability to use Conditional Formatting in a Table.
- Added the ability to use Localization in a Table.
- Added the ability to use Edit validation in a Grid...
Released: Jul 1, 2020
Updates in v7.7.1
- Added Shadow DOM support.
- Added integration with LitElement.
- Added Table component.
- Added Form component.
Released: Jun 5, 2020
Updates in v7.6.0
- React UI components.
- Grid Grouping Header Panel.
- Grid Search Header Panel.
- Grid Filter Header Panel.
- Grid Sort Header Panel.
- Grid Column Chooser.
- Grid Aggregates.
- Grid Grouping basic, complex and advanced rendering modes.
- Grid Filter Row.
- Grid Microsoft Excel-like Filter Menu.
- Grid Row and Column Reorder.
- Grid Row and Column Drag and Drop to different UI elements.
- MultiInput, MultiComboInput, DateRangePicker Components.
- Underlined and Outlined rendering of Editors.