Bunifu Ultimate Bundle

Bunifu Ultimate Bundle includes BuniCharts and Bunifu UI WinForms. BuniCharts is a well-crafted chart component to visualize your application data. It contains a rich gallery of charts and graphs and its high performance helps render large amounts of data quickly. It also comes with features such as animations, tooltips, and  customizations that are easily configurable. Bunifu UI WinForms controls use modern minimalist design thinking. It is also inspired by flat design principles for lightweight, optimized and beautiful interfaces. Bunifu UI WinForms controls provides you with all the tools you need to create modern WinForms desktop apps in less time

BuniCharts is a .NET library that allows designers and developers to draw all kinds of charts on their WinForms application. It offers a great array of simple, clean charts with interactivity powered by chart animations. BuniCharts provides an easy way to plot beautiful data visualizations in your .NET project. Packaged as a DLL it includes drag and drop chart components that plot on a chart canvas. Each chart component is loaded with unique chart properties for easy customization...

Latest News

Develop Modern WinForms Applications Using .NET 8
Develop Modern WinForms Applications Using .NET 8
April 19, 2024Product Update
Bunifu UI WinForms v7.0 streamlines professional WinForms UI development with the addition of Microsoft .NET 8 support.
Bunifu UI WinForms v6.0.2
Bunifu UI WinForms v6.0.2
October 27, 2022New Version
Improves handling of manifest resource exceptions when loading scrollbars.
Bunifu UI WinForms v6.0.1
Bunifu UI WinForms v6.0.1
September 13, 2022New Version
Adds new Form Resizer, Form Drag and Form Caption Button components.
BuniCharts v2.0.0
BuniCharts v2.0.0
July 8, 2022New Version
Adds support for Microsoft .NET 6 and higher.
Bunifu UI WinForms v6.0.0
Bunifu UI WinForms v6.0.0
July 8, 2022New Version
Adds support for Microsoft .NET 6 and higher.
Bunifu Ultimate Bundle updated
Bunifu Ultimate Bundle updated
November 10, 2021New Version
Adds a new Icon Button control with smooth, sleek hover and click effects.

Prices from: $ 342.02

One software license is required per developer. Runtime Royalty Free. Yearly/Annual license: Renewable upon expiry after 1 year. Applies to all plans except the Enterprise plans. One-off: Perpetual...

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Feature Highlights

Bunifu Technologies
As official and authorized distributors, ComponentSource supplies you with legitimate licenses directly from Bunifu Technologies.
Component Type
  • .NET WinForms
  • .NET Class
  • .NET Core