CodeRush for Roslyn 16.2.3 released

Released: Dec 14, 2016

Updates in 16.2.3


  • Code Analysis
    • Focused Analysis - You can now run Code Analysis on the active project or active file.
    • More Detailed Report - Code Analysis reports now include information for source files.
    • Naming Conventions Continuous Check - Added the ability to check naming conventions continuously in background.
    • Performance - Code Analysis performance has been improved.
  • Navigation Enhancements
    • Jump to Everything - Added new Jump to Everything navigation provider, which allows you to jump to any file and symbol in the solution.
  • Unit Test Runner
    • .NET Core Tests - Now you can run and debug .NET Core tests, created with NUnit, xUnit or MSTest frameworks. CodeRush's Code Coverage calculation is also supported for .NET Core tests.
  • XAML Support
    • XAML Code Formatting - Added the ability to format XAML documents. This feature adds and removes the line breaks and indentations at the required places, so that the tag indentation matches its nesting level. Additionally, you can reorder elements and attributes according to rules you specify.
    • Import All Types - This code provider declares all namespace references appearing in the XAML file.
  • Refactorings and Code Providers
    • Reorder Parameters - Change method parameter order, without any dialogs to slow you down. The method signature and all references are updated. This is the fastest, most effortless way to reorder parameters.
    • Convert to System Type/Built-in Type - Easily switch between CLR types and their keyword aliases, for instance between int and System.Int32.
    • Split String - Divide a string into two at the caret position. You can also divide one string into three concatenated strings – just select the portion you want to break out and apply this refactoring.
    • Break Apart/Line Up Parameters/Arguments - Either collapse a list of method parameters or passed-in arguments into a single line, or break them apart into separate lines (one for each parameter or argument).
    • Remove Type Qualifier - Remove explicit namespace references from your code, automatically adding that namespace to the using/imports list if needed. You can use this refactoring on a single identifier, on all identifiers in the current file, or as a code cleanup rule.
    • Decompose Parameter - Change the method signature, passing in only the part or parts of the parameter that are actually used in the method, instead of the parameter itself. This refactoring often promotes reuse by reducing the sophistication of the arguments needed to call a method. For example, if a method accepts a Person instance but only references that Person's Age property, Decompose Parameter will change that method signature and update all calling sites, so only the Age is passed in.
    • Extract String to Resource - Move string literals to a *.resx file (creating a new *.resx file if necessary), replacing that string with a link to the resource. You can also optionally extract all string literals within a method or property accessor.
    • Declare Parameter - Add the active identifier to the method signature, updating all usages inside the method and all calls to the method.
    • Rename - Visual Studio's Rename refactoring is now accessible from the refactoring menu.
    • Sorting Code Actions Menu Items - Light-bulb menu items can now be sorted based on their most recent usage in a given context.
    • Hiding Duplicated Code Actions Menu Items - You can now optionally hide redundant light-bulb menu items that ship with Visual Studio if these features overlap with more efficient CodeRush for Roslyn functionality. For example, if this option is selected, when CodeRush's Declare Method is available, Visual Studio's Generate method stub menu item will be hidden.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Smart Duplicate Line - The Duplicate Line feature is now called Smart Duplicate Line. Now it watches and learns from your changes to improve the duplicate line experience. Currently, Smart Duplicate Line creates text fields for the segments of the line that are likely to change. The feature also automatically increments integer values if an incrementing or doubling pattern is detected in the code. Press Shift+Enter to duplicate a line using the Smart Duplicate Line feature.
    • Space to Expand - Added a shortcut to collapse/expand code regions using keyboard. When the caret is located at the beginning of a string containing the #region directive, pressing the Space key will expand or collapse this region.