CodeRush 21.2.9

Released: Apr 19, 2022

Updates in 21.2.9


Code Analysis

  • XAML Diagnostics for DevExpress WPF Components - The Code Analysis Engine can now check XAML code for DevExpress control usage issues, helping customers follow best practices with modern code. This release includes diagnostics for the following issues and legacy practices:
    • Legacy drag-and-drop - Drag-and-Drop Managers are a legacy way to enable drag-and-drop. Set the 'DataViewBase.AllowDragDrop' property to 'true' instead.
    • ColumnBase.EditTemplate is used - The 'EditTemplate' property is outdated. Use 'CellEditTemplate' instead.
    • FieldName is equal to the Binding path - When the 'Binding' property is specified, 'FieldName' should not contain an existing property name.
    • Outdated windows - The 'DXWindow', 'DXRibbonWindow', and 'DXTabbedWindow' classes are outdated. Use 'ThemedWindow' instead.


  • You can now explicitly set the CodeRush Color Theme so it best matches your Microsoft Visual Studio Theme colors.


  • Code Places - It is impossible to set a breakpoint if the "Auto hide Code Places" option is turned on.
  • Performance - Typing performance issue occurs when editing a source file linked to several projects.
  • Refactoring - The 'Remove Unused Parameters' refactoring incorrectly removes 'out' parameters.
  • Unit Testing - .runsettings file is not taken into account when running .NET Core tests.
  • Unit Testing - The selected .runsettings file is not taken into account when running xUnit tests.