DevExtreme 17.2.8

Released: May 11, 2018

Updates in 17.2.8


Data Grid

  • A validation message is shown many times if DataGrid works in virtual mode.
  • Can't resize a fixed column if resizing is not enabled for the next fixed column.
  • Calling editRow after filtering throws the "Cannot read property 'data' of undefined" error.
  • Header cells are sometimes misaligned with grid content if horizontal scrolling is enabled on 200 dpi screens.
  • It is necessary to keep the column size with the disabled allowResizing field.
  • The columnOption method sets an option for a wrong column when using multi-row columns.
  • The format option is not taken into account on exporting to Excel if it's specified as a function.
  • The getCellElement method returns an incorrect cell element in "form" editing mode if the visible column option is disabled.
  • The Lookup column option setting operates incorrectly if the grid contains banded columns.
  • The title element is generated for HTML in the masterDetail template.
  • DataGrid changes the pageSize option if the option value is zero when the state storing is enabled.
  • DataGrid displays an incorrect number of records if the widget is grouped by three or more columns and groupPaging is enabled.
  • DataGrid displays data incorrectly when records are grouped by a field that has the 'null' value in several records.
  • Documentation - Add a note that relative column width is not appropriate for fixed columns in DataGrid.
  • dxDataGrid - The "Select all" checkbox has a wrong value in deferred selection mode.
  • dxDataGrid freezes on scrolling when a column with the specified datatype has a null value.
  • Excel crashes when using Excel's 'Text to Columns' functionality in the exported file.
  • Menu placed in the DataGrid cell template displays the Down arrow after upgrade to 17.2.7.
  • The "Cannot create property 'summary' on string 'success'" error occurs when the infinite scrolling is used and the grid gets its data source from an AJAX request.
  • The Grid adds unnecessary group footer rows for summaries when infinite scrolling is used.

Data Visualization

  • Chart - A stacked spline area shows an extra series.
  • dxChart - Points are not connected in the Range Area series.
  • PieChart - Elements' order differs form the underlying datasource items' order.
  • PieChart - Label connectors cross other labels if resolveLabelOverlapping is "shift" in certain scenarios.
  • PieChart - Label text is cut off.
  • The Chart does not calculate its initial value axis range correctly.

DevExtreme Core

  • A typescript definition is wrong for the base64_encode method after upgrading to version 17.2.7.
  • Documentation - Add a note that localization keys should not be used from JS.
  • NumberBox - Standard formats incorrectly work when Globalize is included.
  • NumberBox with the format option specified works incorrectly if the Poland locale is applied using Intl.
  • Template methods don't replace previously set values.
  • The Promise.catch callback function is not called when the ODataStore.insert method fails.
  • The 'valueChanges' event unexpectedly fires when a reactive form is used with the DxTextBox component.

Pivot Grid

  • dxPivotGrid problem with text that contains special characters.
  • Grand Totals are calculated incorrectly when expanding a column that has no children.
  • Sort by summary does not work correctly for 0 values.
  • The hideEmptySummaryCells option does not work for empty rows.
  • PivotGrid generates incorrect MDX descendant paths on expanding nested fields.


  • Daylight Saving Time is not considered in the exception rule for recurring appointments.
  • A recurrent event is not shown correctly in the day view after DST time changes.
  • Appointments are incorrectly positioned at the second interval of the 'workWeek' view.
  • dateCellTemplate receives incorrect arguments in the Work Week view.
  • Incorrect month name is displayed in the date navigator when intervalCount > 1.
  • Keyboard events are not handled by cells in the onCellClick event handler.
  • Scheduler does not update the endDate option properly when an appointment is updated using dragging.
  • Scheduler shows incorrect appointments in the Month view.

Tree List

  • Sorting does not work after the search operation.
  • The "TypeError: this.callBase is not a function" error occurs on an attempt to display a context menu.

UI Widgets

  • Animation stops working after expanding a tree node multiple times in Angular.
  • DateBox with 'datetime' mode is not working properly with two-way binding in Angular.
  • dxDateBox - Navigation buttons shouldn't be disabled for a small date range.
  • dxList - Even number items remain in component items after deleting.
  • dxList - expandGroup and collapseGroup change the collapse state to the opposite.
  • dxSelectBox filter is not cleared if an item is selected by the Tab key.
  • Gallery - html in the default item template is not rendering.
  • NumberBox - Formatting prevents user input when the min and max fields are set.
  • NumberBox - the onValueChanged event is not raised on focus out if the valueChangeEvent field has the change value.
  • NumberBox - The text option returns an incorrect value when the format option is changed at runtime.
  • NumberBox - The Validation state is not updated when a negative number becomes positive.
  • NumberBox doesn't clean the "value" option if a character-free format is used.
  • Popover - It's impossible to delete the showEvent/hideEvent option in code.
  • TagBox removes previously selected tags under certain conditions.
  • TextArea - Placeholder is not wrapped.
  • The List widget doesn't select items that are not located on the current page if grouping is enabled.
  • Touch and drag events don't work in Firefox 58.0.1 on Android (both tablets and phones).
  • TreeView - E1040 is displayed after search in certain cases if the virtual mode is enabled.