DevExtreme 18.1.6

Released: Sep 5, 2018

Updates in 18.1.6


DevExtreme (HTML JS)

  • Data Grid
    • A nested group is not aligned properly on being expanded and collapsed if the autoExpandAll option is disabled.
    • A Tabbed item that resides in the Popup Editing Form is not hidden at runtime in an Angular app.
    • Column headers are not aligned with data cells if columns don't occupy the whole widget width and columnAutoWidth is enabled.
    • Content is rendered partially when rowRenderingMode is set to virtual and scrolling mode is set to infinite.
    • Editor that resides in a cell template does not allow typing text when it is selected using a double-click in IE 11.
    • Filter Panel displays the "Is Any Of 'undefined'" string if the "Any Of" operator is applied for a lookup column.
    • Filter Row - The caret automatically goes to the start after typing in IE.
    • Grouped rows are rendered incorrectly when the rowAlternationEnabled option is enabled.
    • It is impossible to get groupIndex in the calculateCustomSummary callback function.
    • Records are rendered incorrectly when using knockout components within cell templates.
    • Scroll bar position is reset after scrolling if there is a DevExtreme widget on a page.
    • The Between filter does not work if a column uses calculateCellValue and the dataField property is not defined.
    • The column reordering is slow in IE/Edge.
    • The filter operations list in the Filter Row is not adjusted if the column's data type is changed at runtime.
    • The filter popup scrolls the page.
    • The filter row editor loses its focus when a filter is applied and the filter panel is visible.
    • The first cell is not highlighted if the Tab key is pressed first.
    • The onRowUpdating event is raised twice for a Boolean column if eventArgs.cancel is true.
    • The rowUpdating event is not raised for all updated rows the first time.
    • Virtual scrolling works in Chrome only.
    • DataGrid displays an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar if columnAutoWidth and columnHidingEnabled are set.
    • DataGrid displays lookup filter row data confusingly when FilterBuilder uses the not-equals filter.
    • DataGrid has an incorrect layout after resizing columns with multi-row headers.
    • DataGrid sometimes scrolls to the top when a user moves a scroll bar to the bottom.
    • DataGrid, TreeList - Initial width of a column with the specified minWidth value can be less than this value when the width value is specified in percents.
    • A rendering issue occurs on grouping the grid if it uses the virtual scrolling feature.
    • Error row is not shown if the showColumnHeaders option is false.
    • Filter "Is Not Blank" doesn't work when Filter Builder is enabled.
    • TabPanel items are not rendered after upgrading to 18.1.4 in a master-detail layout.
    • The horizontal scroll bar is not responding correctly when the DataGrid container is resized in Chrome.
  • Data Visualization
    • Chart - Export to PDF produces a low quality document that cannot be opened in Adobe Acrobat Document.
    • Chart - An Axis label's opacity option cannot be set to 0.
    • VectorMap - It's impossible to import the parse method in a modular application.
    • VectorMap - Order of layers after resetting the layers array option is modified.
  • DevExtreme Core
    • A material theme doesn't work properly with SPA-framework.
    • Popup - The multi-slot transclusion causes the $compile:noslot error.
    • The "Expected 3-4 arguments, but got 1 error" message is received when using the method.
  • DevExtreme Demos
    • Documentation - The ActionSheet target option refers to the missing 'position' option.
  • Pivot Grid
    • Visualization problem on Microsoft Edge.
    • PivotGrid shows metadata fields in FieldChooser.
    • PivotGrid sorts numeric columns incorrectly.
  • Scheduler
    • Documentation - Add a note that the dx ready event should be used to apply bindings.
    • The onContentReady function is not called if the dataSource option is not initialized.
    • Actual width controlled by dx-scheduler-cell-sizes-horizontal cannot be set to less than 48px and depends on the crossScrollingEnabled option.
    • Excess gap at the bottom.
    • Group cells have incorrect height in the timeline day view in IE11.
    • Header cells are missaligned in the timelineWeek view if cellDuration is large.
    • How to avoid multiple reloading when several properties are changed.
    • The "Cannot set property 'top' of undefined" error occurs when navigating between months if UTC +9:30 ACST Australian Central Standard Time is set.
    • Scheduler incorrectly calculates the startDate option for a recurring appointment.
    • Scheduler renders appointments incorrectly when the cellDuration option has certain values.
  • Tree List
    • Performance in IE/Edge is slow on expanding or selecting nodes when a data source contains several thousands of records.
  • UI Widgets
    • ColorBox - The "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" error occurs if editAlphaChannel is true and the value option doesn't have an alpha channel.
    • DataGrid - A filter row works incorrectly for numeric columns under certain circumstances.
    • DateBox - A validation message does not disappear after clicking a selected valid date.
    • DateBox - Case sensitive date must be inputted if the display format is set.
    • Documentation - Describe the showDropdownButton option for the Tagbox widget.
    • dxNumberBox - A selected number is not replaced with a new one.
    • dxNumberBox - It is impossible to enter the "-" sign in Firefox.
    • dxSelectBox does not scroll to the selected item after the search.
    • List - Searched text is lost if typed between requests to the server when searchTimeout is set.
    • NumberBox - Placeholder does not disappear when using mouse wheel or arrows.
    • SelectBox - The Clear button is not hidden when being clicked and the drop-down list is opened.
    • SelectBox hides its drop-down window automatically when the focusStateEnabled option is set to false and the searchEnabled option is set to true.
    • Slider - a value is jumping.
    • TabPanel - Page scrolls to top when a header filter is clicked.
    • Tabs - Provide the “noDataText” configuration property.
    • TreeView - The root node's intermediate state is not shown during filtering.
    • TreeView throws the "The 'company_1' key value is not unique within the data array." Error.
    • UI WIdgets - The e.event option returns undefined in the onValueChanged event handler if the Clear button is clicked.

DevExtreme (ASP.NET MVC)

  • Data Grid
    • DataGrid that resides in a detail template of another grid does not apply validation rules based on Data Annotations attributes.
    • The grid does not save changes on pressing Enter in IE 11 and MS Edge in cell editing mode.
  • IDE Integration
    • "Add DevExtreme to project/Upgrade Devextreme resources" is missing in Visual Studio 2017 ( version 15.8.1 ) for MVC Core projects.
    • Errors on adding DevExtreme to an existing ASP DevExpress MVC project.
    • MVC - .NET framework version selector appears when a .NET core project template is selected.
  • Pivot Grid
    • Column headers are shifted after scrolling in IE11 and Edge if scrolling.useNative is "true".