DevExpress WPF 17.1.3

Released: May 17, 2017

Updates in 17.1.3


  • Accordion Control - The new WPF Accordion Control is a feature-rich navigation control designed to extend the capabilities found in the existing Navigation Bar. The Accordion Control allows you to create a full-featured NavBar with multiple items (actions). Items can be combined into groups. Groups can contain nested groups so you can create an advanced hierarchical navigation menu. The DevExpress Accordion Control ships with the following features:
    • Unlimited number of hierarchy levels
    • Data binding support
    • Expand/collapse animation
    • Glyph support
    • Custom item content
    • Built-in search
    • Virtual mode
    • Ability to specify which items can be selected by an end-user
  • Data Grid Control
    • Merged Column Grouping - With v17.1, you can now merge grouped columns for the WPF Data Grid by dragging the appropriate column header(s) to the group panel and arrange them across a line while pressing the CTRL key. Drag column headers below or above this line to break merged grouping.
    • Live Data Update Indicator - The DevExpress WPF Data Grid can now indicate data change state when using Conditional Formatting. Features include:
      • New Trigger condition
      • Animation effects for all format conditions. Animation executes each time a cell value changes
    • Miscellaneous Enhancements - This release includes a number of enhancements for the WPF Data Grid including:
      • Support for multi-cell selection in master-detail mode
      • Availability of a SortFieldName property for individuals columns, allowing you to specify a different field for sort operations
      • Ability to save/restore a layout with autogenerated bands
      • Ability to load a Grid without a focused row
      • Simplified method to display custom Grid Cell Tooltips
      • WPF Data Grid Footer Summaries are now aligned in group rows under corresponding column headers when exported in data-aware mode
  • Chart Control
    • Financial Charting Enhancements - v17.1 introduces the following financial charting enhancements:
      • Work Time - ability to exclude non working time from a chart (Documentation)
      • Ability to specify the manner in which financial points are colorized
      • The visual range of the value axis can be calculated by the values of points contained in the visual range of the axis of arguments
      • If the visual range is at the end of the whole range and the end of the whole range has changed, the visual range can move to the new end of the whole range
      • Zooming a chart via the mouse wheel scales the chart to the mouse position
    • Performance Improvements - With this release, DevExpress have improved the Chart control to ensure faster execution in bound mode. Enhancements include optimized series data binding and multi-pane chart rendering. Chart performance in bound mode can now be compared to that available when using Charts in unbound mode. The WPF Chart control now executes flawlessly with real-time data. DevExpress have also improved 2D series rendering with the default points model, allowing you to use all standard series types for apps that require real-time analytics.
    • MVVM Support - With this release, the WPF Chart Control ships with MVVM pattern support and incorporates the following new features:
      • Multiple series types are now generated from the series source in a View Model
      • Custom axis labels and secondary axes are now generated from sources in a View Model
  • Diagram Control
    • New Pan Tool - DevExpress Diagram ships with a new Pan tool, allowing you to move or pan a diagram in any direction.
  • Show/Hide Subordinate Shapes
    • Automatic Layout Enhancements - To help improve its presentation, the Diagram Control's automatic layout option recalculates connection point locations. Features include configurable page alignment for Tree, Tip-Over and Layered (Sugiyama) layouts. The Tree or Tip-Over layout can be applied to any portion of a Diagram.
    • Background Customization - You can now specify the background image and color used for Diagram pages and canvas.
    • Drag and Drop Enhancements - You can now drag and drop items between DevExpress Diagram Controls. New events allow you to process drag and drop operations manually.
    • Miscellaneous Enhancements - DevExpress Diagram v17.1 ships with the following minor enhancements:
      • Ability to move diagram items together with their subordinates
      • Ability to change multiple connector types in code
      • End-users can now modify all diagram connectors types simultaneously
      • Improved font quality and large shapes when a diagram is printed
      • Ability to create custom toolbars with the Diagram's Ribbon items
  • PDF Viewer
    • Highlighted Text Display - With this release, the PDF Viewer can display highlighted text.
  • Pivot Grid Control
    • Performance Improvements - In v17.1, DevExpress have improved in-memory data processing of the Pivot Grid Control to work up to 3-7 times faster.
    • API Enhancements - The DevExpress WPF Pivot Grid v17.1 ships with the following enhancements:
      • New PivotGridField.FieldFilterValues and PivotGridGroup.GroupFilterValues properties allow you to filter a Pivot Grid's data in XAML
      • Ability to define Pivot Grid fields and groups using MVVM via the FieldsSource and GroupsSource properties
      • New converter classes (EventArgsToCellInfoConverter, EventArgsToFieldValueInfoConverter) to help you obtain cell and field value information (data field, row and column values, drill-down data, etc.)
      • Ability to obtain information about the currently focused cell (SelectedCellInfo)
      • The PivotGridField.HeaderImage and TreeViewHeaderImage properties allow you to display an Image to the left of a field header
      • New PivotGridControl.CellStyle and FieldValueStyle properties allow you to set the cell's background and border colors
  • Rich Text Editor
    • Integrated Ribbon UI - With v17.1, the WPF Rich Text Editor ships with an integrated Ribbon-based UI. Use the Rich Editor's properties and Ribbon actions to display, hide or customize the Ribbon UI as needed. The previous Ribbon UI generation technique has been retained for backward compatibility.
    • Document Source Binding in XAML - With this release, you can bind the DevExpress WPF Rich Editor to a document source from XAML using the DocumentSource property. It offers support for the following:
      • Stream
      • String (document content or document path)
      • Uri
      • FileInfo
      • Byte array
      • RichEditDocumentSource (allows you to set the bound document's format)
    • Specify Options in XAML - With this release, you can now specify Rich Text Editor options in XAML or by using the Properties window. All options are now bindable.
  • Spreadsheet Control
    • New Conditional Formatting Rules Manager - DevExpress Spreadsheet v17.1 ships with a new Conditional Formatting Rules Manager. With it, you can allow end-users to add new formatting rules, modify or delete existing rules applied to a selected cell range or the entire worksheet.
    • Integrated Ribbon and Formula Bar - The Ribbon UI and Formula Bar are now integrated into the Spreadsheet Control so that XAML markup is more compact and readable. You can display, hide or customize the Ribbon by setting the Spreadsheet control's properties or using Ribbon actions. The previous Ribbon UI generation technique has been retained for backward compatibility.
    • Rotated Text - With this release, DevExpress Spreadsheet gives you the ability to rotate text within individual spreadsheet cells. Rotated text can be printed and exported to PDF format.
    • Updated GUI with Support for Vector Icons - DevExpress have replaced all bitmap icons with SVG images to improve the look and feel of apps powered by DevExpress Spreadsheet for WinForms and WPF across high resolution monitors. The previous GUI (bitmap images) has been retained for backward compatibility.
    • Document Source Enhancements - In v17.1, the Spreadsheet Control's DocumentSource integrates the file format detector allowing you to load a document omitting its type. Documents can be loaded from a stream, Byte array or any other location specified by the full file path or Uri.
  • Themes
    • New Office 2016 Themes (Special Edition) - In this release, DevExpress have re-worked the Office 2016 (White, DarkGray, Colorful) Themes and optimized its visual tree so that WPF applications powered by DevExpress Controls can execute significantly faster. These new 'Special Edition' Themes ship with a color palette so you can modify theme colors via the new Theme Designer.
    • New Theme Designer (CTP) - The new WPF Theme Designer allows you to create new themes by changing the color schemes of existing DevExpress Themes. Features include:
      • Color palette and color scheme editing
      • Import existing schemes for editing
      • Quick preview
      • Automatic upgrade to new versions
      • Ability to build an assembly with a new theme
  • TreeList Control
    • Node Summaries - With this release, the WPF TreeList control supports node summaries. End-users can display node totals for a column via the control's context menu.
  • Miscellaneous Enhancements
    • New Themed Window - The new ThemedWindow control supports all DevExpress WPF Themes and automatically adjusts its appearance when you add a Ribbon or Tab Control to it.
    • PRISM Support - The WPF product line now offers built-in support for Prism 5 and Prism 6. The DevExpress.Xpf.PrismAdapters.v17.1 assembly provides adapters for the following controls:
      • LayoutGroup
      • DocumentGroup
      • TabbedGroup
      • LayoutPanel
      • DXTabControl
      • NavigationFrame
      • NavBarGroup