ExpressNavigationPack 19.2.3

Released: Dec 24, 2019

Updates in 19.2.3


All VCL products

  • A bar manager displays drop-down trees of all its TdxBarTreeViewCombo items as top-level windows at design time
  • An error occurs on compiling the dxExpressionEditorHelper unit if the "Emit runtime type information" compiler option is enabled
  • Compile errors occur if the "Code inlining control" option is set to Auto in compiler settings

ExpressBars Suite

  • Ribbon - TdxBarLargeButton whose ButtonStyle property is set to bsDropDown is incorrectly painted if the rs2013, rs2016, or rs2019 ribbon style is applied
  • TdxTabbedMDIManager - Add the capability to prohibit replacing an application's title with the main form's caption

ExpressEditors Library

  • A calculated field's expression that references an FMTBcd field cannot be evaluated
  • A keystroke pressed after a click in the list displayed by the Excel-inspired filter dropdown's Values page does not select a corresponding item
  • An AV occurs on destroying a grid View or container control whose search criteria are specified via the FindCriteria.Text property
  • An Excel-inspired filter dropdown raises the "Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (Integer)" exception when activating the Values page for a data item whose cells display only blank
  • Controls whose AutoSize property is set to True incorrectly size in certain cases if they include a TcxCustomEdit descendant
  • cxComboBox does not repaint a touch-friendly scrollbar in its drop-down list filtered by incremental filtering in Windows 7 when the editor's Properties.DropDownListStyle property is not set to lsEditList
  • cxLabel whose Transparent property is set to True is painted with the black background on the Windows Aero Glass frame enabled via a form's GlassFrame property
  • Documentation - The list of Grid Mode limitations in the TcxLookupComboBoxProperties.GridMode topic is not complete
  • TcxCustomComboBox descendants do not format the text displayed in their drop-down windows using the StyleFocused property settings specified via the TcxDefaultEditStyleController or TcxEditStyleController component
  • TcxCustomTextEdit descendants display underscores ( _ ) instead of ampersands ( & ) if the Properties.Alignment.Horz property is set to taRightJustify or taCenter
  • TcxMCListBox - The "Control has no parent window" exception occurs when scrolling the content vertically if the BidiMode property is set to bdRightToLeft
  • TcxSpinButton does not change the associated control's edit value with the mouse wheel
  • TdxFormattedLabel - The component editor's "RTF Editor" page incorrectly displays a caption that begins with '[Color=Black]' if the editor's Style.TextColor property is not set to clBlack

ExpressLayout Control

  • A splitter does not resize an item between two other items to the left and right or top and bottom if their AlignHorz property is set to ahClient and ahLeft, or their AlignVert property is set to avClient and avTop, respectively
  • An embedded control within a scrollable group is displayed partially when scrollbars disappear due to size increase
  • If a layout item's CaptionOptions.Width property value is less than a word's length within the item's caption, the wrapped portion of the word is drawn on top of the following word within the same caption


  • Hamburger Menu - Changes made to settings accessible via the OptionsStyle.DefaultStyles property do not affect item links and group captions
  • The dxcrDrag or dxcrLinks mouse pointer image assigned via the Cursors property appears misplaced

ExpressSkins Library

  • TheBezier skin - The Ribbon Application Button's caption blends with the background if TdxBarApplicationMenu is assigned to the button's Menu property and the skin uses a light-colored palette