Total Access Admin Releases
Released: Dec 19, 2016
Updates in 2016
- Monitors ACCDB and MDB format databases created by Microsoft Access 2016 (32 or 64-bit version) and earlier versions of Access.
- Works in environments where either Access 32 or 64-bit versions is installed, including installations from Microsoft Office365.
- Up to 150 databases can be monitored at one time (up from 100).
- Setup program supports Windows 8 and 10, Server 2012 and later, and has an option to launch the program after its installed.
Released: May 14, 2015
Updates in this release
Updates in 2013
- Supports machines with Microsoft Access 2013 (32-bit version) installed.
- Supports databases in the Access 2007-2013 ACCDB "ACE" database format.
- Maximum number of databases that can be simultaneously monitored has been increased from 50 to 100.
- Translate obscure computer names to a more understandable user name from a list you maintain.
- Enhanced activity log database.
- New command line parameters to specify the hours and seconds to wait before quitting.
- Sample database includes...
Released: Jan 5, 2011
Updates in this release
Updates in 2010
- Open and monitor multiple databases at one time
- Main form is resizable and maximizes to your screen
- Compact each database as the last user leaves it
- Lockout users from all the currently monitored databases
- Send Admin messages to all the monitored databases
- Supports all Access database formats including the Access 2007-2010 ACCDB format
- New help file and sample databases