FusionCharts Suite XT v3.10 released

Released: Jan 5, 2016

Updates in this release

Updates in v3.10

FusionCharts Suite XT v3.10 includes the following product updates:

FusionCharts XT New Features

  • FusionCharts XT v3.10.0 introduces support for the zoomscatter chart and the zoomline dual yaxis chart.
    • The zoomscatter chart is an extension of the scatter chart with the zooming and panning ability for large number of data points and can be used for finding correlations between data sets.
    • The zoomline dual yaxis chart, an extension of the zoomline chart, can be used to plot and compare large data sets having different numeric units or different intervals.
  • The following new attributes have been added to FusionCharts Suite XT for enabling animation of data plots when the corresponding legend item is clicked:
    • transposeAnimation
    • transposeAnimDuration
  • The following attribute has been introduced to determine the visibility of a data plot, when the chart is first loaded:
    • visible
  • The functionality of the following existing attributes has also been improved:
    • use3dLineShift (the default value has been changed from 0 to 1 )
    • alpha (setting this attribute to a value more than 0 the attribute now also impacts the transparency of the anchors)
  • The zoomline chart now supports a dual yaxis.
  • The showTerminalValidData attribute has been introduced for the zoomline charts. Previously, when the zoomline chart was rendered in the compact mode, the first and the last valid data values in the dataset were skipped, if the data was out of step. This was the case even for connectNullData=1 . showTerminalValidData=1 ensures that the first and last valid data values are rendered in the compact mode.

FusionCharts XT Fixes

  • Extra space in the tooltip text for the last column in a column 2D chart has been removed.
  • Large number of data sets/data plots in the column 2D and bar 2D charts are now rendered with equal width and gap between the data plots.
  • For pie 3D and doughnut 3D charts, data labels with large text values are now truncated when manageLabelOverflow=1 .
  • lineDashLen attribute is now working correctly for all values in the line chart and the zoomline chart.
  • The connectNullData attribute now works as expected for the zoomline chart, connecting all data points from the first to the last data point. Previously, the attribute failed to connect all the points.
  • In the Bubble chart, the xaxis label is now displayed when labelDisplay=rotate and for all values of the labelFontSize attribute.
  • For rotateValues=1 , the sum of each stack in a stacked column chart (s howSum=1 ) is now rendered within the chart canvas. Previously, this value would go out of the canvas, if rotateValues=1.
  • In the zoomline chart, tooltips are no longer seen for data plots that are outside the canvas area.
  • Error encountered in UIWebView on render of line charts with dashed line segments has been fixed.

FusionWidgets XT Improvements

  • Data plots in 2D pyramid charts can now be rendered as flat surfaces and in a single color, by setting is2d=1. Previously, because there was a difference in the color distribution between the two vertical halves of the pyramid, the data plots of a 2D pyramid chart appeared to have a 3D effect.

FusionWidgets XT Fixes

  • Large trendline values in the angular gauge are now displayed within the canvas.
  • The useEllipsesWhenOverflow attribute, for the vertical LED chart, is now working as expected.
  • In the realtime thermometer gauge, the gauge scale now renders correctly when the gaugeOriginX and gaugeOriginY attributes are used. Previously, using these attributes resulted in the gauge scale getting distorted. The issue has now been fixed.
  • The showGaugeBorder attribute, for the thermometer gauge, now works as expected when the gaugeBorderAlpha attribute is defined.
  • JavaScript error in the horizontal linear gauge when the gauge height is set to a very small value has been fixed.
  • Gantt chart can now be exported in all possible formats from all browsers. Previously, it did not export correctly in the PDF format for some special types of data when exported from the Firefox browser.
  • In the realtime horizontal linear gauge, a pointer value with two or more than two decimal places and placed on the edge is now rendered within the chart canvas. Previously, a value placed on the edge was partially hidden. While chartRightMargin helped solve the problem, it affected the gauge alignment. The issue has now been fixed.

PowerCharts XT New Features

  • PowerCharts XT v3.10.0 introduces the treemap chart that is useful for plotting hierarchical information. The chart is rendered using 2D nested rectangles, modeled based on the tree data structure.

PowerCharts XT Fixes

  • Yaxis labels in the heatmap chart are now rendered for all values of the maxLabelWidthPercent attribute. Previously, the labels disappeared for random values assigned to this attribute.
  • The following attributes for customizing data values are now working correctly for the multilevel pie chart:
    • valueFont
    • valueFontColor
    • valueFontSize
    • valueFontBold
    • valueFontItalic
    • valueBgColor
    • valueBorderColor
    • valueAlpha
    • valueFontAlpha
    • valueBgAlpha
    • valueBorderAlpha
    • valueBorderThickness
    • valueBorderPadding
    • valueBorderRadius
    • valueBorderDashed
    • valueBorderDashGap
    • valueBorderDashLen
  • The LogMSColumn and the LogStackedColumn charts now render correctly for all data values between 0 and 1. Previously, under this condition, the charts were drawn distorted.

FusionMaps XT Improvements

  • Core maps package updated for the following:
    • Specification sheet added for Valle D'Aosta under Italy regions
    • Specification sheet updated for Uttar Pradesh to add five new entities
    • Specification sheet added for North America with Caribbeans
    • Specification sheets added for eight subregions of Bangladesh
    • Specification sheets added for five subregions of Italy
    • Specification sheets added for 34 provinces of Afghanistan
    • Specification sheet updated for France to replace the previous 22 entities with 13 entities
    • Specification sheet updated for USA DMA to rectify the DMA IDs

Common New Feature

  • Corresponding data plots are now highlighted when the mouse pointer is hovered over a legend item. Along with enhancing the visualization, this new feature also enables establishing a relation between the data plots and legends.

Common Improvements

  • Chart legend can now extend beyond the canvas width if a chart is used to plot data for a large number of data series. Previously, in this case, the legend got wrapped and a scroll bar was rendered to scroll through the legend icons, even though there was enough unused space left.
  • The following legend pointer customization attributes have been introduced for the gradient legend:
    • legendPointerColor
    • legendPointerBorderColor
    • legendPointerAlpha
    • legendPointerBorderAlpha
  • The svgDeCanvo library has been built and incorporated into the FusionCharts library. This library:
    • Enables drawing SVG charts directly on the HTML5 Canvas
    • Overcomes the security issues in Internet Explorer for the clientside export feature, so that IE 10 and IE 11 users can also use this feature.

Common Fixes

  • Tooltips for truncated data labels are now visible in iOS and Android devices.
  • The d isplayValue property of an event argument now returns the value of the data plot, for showValue=0. Previously, if showValue=0 , the displayValue property returned a blank value.
  • &lt; and &gt; can be used to display the < (less than) and > (greater than) symbols respectively for all labels inside the chart canvas.
  • The legendPointerBorderThickness attribute now works correctly with the gradient legend.
  • The ignoreCols and ignoreRows arrays, in the jQuery plugin, now behave as expected. In addition, the behaviour of the following attributes has also been fixed:
    • useLabels
    • useLegend
    • labelSource
    • legendSource
    • seriesColors
    • convertBlankTo