NetAdvantage for JSF 2009 Vol 2

Released: Nov 2, 2009

Updates in 2009 Vol 2

JSF WebGrid Row Filtering – NEW!

  • Enable users to dynamically filter your data tables so that they see only the rows matching criteria they can specify
  • Position an empty filter row at the top or bottom of your data table, so users can filter by values in any or all columns
  • Features a large number of conditions by which your users can filter row values, including: Equals, Does not equal, Begins with, Ends with, Contains, Does not contain, Between, Before, Less than, Less than or equal to, After, Greater than, Greater than or equal to, This day, Next day,  Previous day.

JSF WebChart - Enhanced

  • Now you can use the chart component straight from your own Servlet code, even if you are not writing a JSF application.

JSF WebEditors - Enhanced

  • Customize the WebInputDateChooser component’s submit button image using its new img attribute.

IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0 Support – NEW!

  • Begin building your Web applications in IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0 immediately since the JSF 1.2 components now work out of the box in this environment.