About .Net Forms Resize

Give your Visual Studio applications resizing and resolution independence.

Softgroup .Net Forms Resize is a fast, small and lightweight .NET component that gives your Visual Studio applications resolution independence. Softgroup .Net Forms Resize supports standard .Net Windows Forms, MDI child and MDI parent Forms and includes DPIAutoResize feature to make your application DPI resolution independent too. This resizer component can be easily added to already designed forms with a single line of code. Softgroup .Net Forms Resize automatically resize all controls and fonts contained in a .Net Windows Form as they are sized.

Softgroup .Net Forms Resize is a fast, small and lightweight .NET component that gives your applications resolution independence. Softgroup .Net Forms Resize supports standard .Net Windows Forms, MDI child and MDI parent Forms and includes DPIAutoResize feature to make your application DPI resolution independent too. Softgroup .Net Forms Resize automatically resize all controls and fonts contained in a .Net Windows Form as they are sized. Only one line of code is needed in the Form_Load event like this VB.NET example:

Private WithEvents oResize As Softgroup.NetResize
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
oResize = New Softgroup.NetResize(Me)
End Sub

With Softgroup .Net Forms Resize you can:

  • Give your Windows Forms applications resolution independence.
  • Keep your controls font/size proportion whenever your forms are resized.
  • Can be easily implemented to already designed forms with a single line of code.
  • Support controls nested inside others.
  • Can center a form over the Desktop or MDI parent.
  • Can save/restore your form's last size and positions.
  • Resizes fonts as well as the controls themselves.
  • Ability to specify whether the fonts of the controls will be resized or not.
  • Control resize of docked controls like ToolStrip and StatusStrip.
  • Support of standard .Net Windows Form, MDI child and MDI parent forms.
  • Fast, small and accurate resize engine.
  • Optimized resize for .Net special controls (MenuStrip, ToolStrip, ToolBar, StatusStrip, StatusBar and BindingNavigator)
  • Complete control over minimum and maximum size of a form.
  • Automatic or manual FadeIn/FadeOut effects when showing/closing a form.
  • Enable/Disable resizing for any control at design time
  • Enable/Disable resizing fonts at design time
  • Enable/Disable resizing a control's children at design time
  • DPIAutoResize feature to makes your application DPI resolution independent.