Oxygen XML Developer Enterprise V25.0 Build ID: 2022121306

Released: Dec 13, 2022

Updates in V25.0 Build ID: 2022121306


  • Oxygen Publishing Engine/Security/Component Update: Updated the Jackson Databind (jackson-databind) library to version


  • Author: Fixed a serialization issue where whitespaces disappeared from the saved XML content when comments were added over content that ends with whitespaces.
  • Author/DITA: Fixed an issue where Markdown documents were not converted to DITA when references to these types of files were inserted in DITA content.
  • DITA/Smart Paste: Fixed an issue where the application stopped responding when smart-pasting an HTML fragment that contains an empty table (without rows) into a DITA document.
  • DITA Publishing: Fixed an issue while publishing DITA to PDF where DITA topics that contained PDF images failed when an older DITA-OT installation folder that was configured externally was used.
  • XProc/XML Calabash: Fixed an error ("Resolver for unparsed-text() returned unrecognized Source (javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource)") regarding the Catalog Resolver used in Calabash that happened when unparsed-text() was used in an XSL used in a pipeline.
  • DITA to PDF - based on HTML5 & CSS: Fixed some CSS rules that were hiding the Task context element when it contained change tracking elements or other empty elements.