QueryStorm 1.13
Released: Nov 10, 2018
Updates in 1.13
- Preprocessor now allows resolving to unquoted strings (e.g. column names), by starting the expression inside the curly brackets with # sign e.g.: select {#columnName} from myTable
- (Here columnName is a named range containing the name of the column to resolve. Cell references are also valid (e.g. {#A1} or {#Sheet1!A1}).)
- C# engine:
- Column names that have illegal C# identifier names are normalized and are now accessible as properties (not just via indexer).
- Properties can be decorated with [System.ComponentModel.DisplayName("some name")] to control the display name of headers in results and when writing to Excel.
- Working with cells:
- Large speed improvements when working with cells both from C# and SQL.
- SQLite can now run update statements on XLCells.
- CSV file:
- C#: The CSV function returns an object that allows updating the original data via "Commit()" method.
- SQLite allows running an update statement on CSV tables (returned from C# TVFs).
- New snippets - removes limitation of 200 items in autocomplete.
- Selecting text now makes the font white (even for classes).
- Improved startup performance.
- Adds support for DB2.