Rider 2017.2

Released: Oct 12, 2017

Updates in 2017.2


  • .NET Core 2.0 - Rider 2017.2 adds support for .NET Core 2.0 in addition to .NET Core 1.1. All Rider's code inspections, navigation actions, quick-fixes and refactorings are now available for .NET Core 2.0. Rider can run and debug your .NET Core 2.0 projects, manage NuGet packages that are used in them, as well as run unit tests based on xUnit, NUnit or MSTest.
  • Call and value tracking - Where does this value come from? Where is this value used? What are the call trees that this method is involved in? Using the new "Inspect This" action (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A) in Rider, you can now easily find out.
  • MSTest support - This includes classic MSTest (a.k.a Visual Studio Testing Framework) as well as the emerging cross-platform MSTest V2.
  • Open folder or file - Not all code is in a solution or project. With that in mind, Rider adds a command to open an individual file or folder from the start screen and the File | Open menu.
  • Attach folder to solution - This doesn't modify any project or solution files; instead, it simply makes the folder visible in Solution Explorer alongside your current solution. This can be useful if you're working with a web application that has distinct frontend and backend parts, and they're maintained in separate repositories.
  • Parallel stacks, lambda evaluation and more debugger updates - The Debug tool window gets a new tab: Parallel Stacks. When debugging multithreaded applications, it lets us visualize the various threads that are active while debugging, as well as their call stack.
  • New refactorings - Transform Parameters lets you create a new class or struct and converts parameters of the selected method into encapsulated fields of the newly created type. After applying the refactoring, usages of parameters are converted into usages of properties of the type being created. This refactoring also allows getting rid of out parameters by introducing a tuple object return type. Another new refactoring is Invert Boolean. It helps automatically invert a boolean member and transform true to false and rewrite all usages to invert the boolean logic.
  • Code analysis updates from ReSharper 2017.2 - Examples include improved support for C# 7.0 (including pattern matching and out variables), and initial support for C# 7.1.
  • Evolving F# support - It is now possible to work with .NET Core F# projects, for both SDK 1.0 and 2.0. For F# projects that use Paket instead of NuGet, Rider now disables its automatic NuGet restore on loading such projects. This ensures that projects like Fable load properly in Rider.
  • Unity development - You can now create a Mono Remote configuration to remotely debug standalone games, such as those running on an Android device. The IDE and debugger now also support working with modularized UnityEngine dll's. Also the Rider ShaderLab parser has been significantly improved. This results in better code highlighting in .cginc files and injected Cg fragments in .shader files.
  • Better JavaScript and TypeScript support
    • When you hover over an object while holding Ctrl, the inferred type for the object is displayed in a tooltip.
    • Reworked JavaScript code style settings allow configuring how to order members of a class, such as constructors, fields and methods. To apply these settings, use the Code | Rearrange Code command.
    • When using CSS modules and importing them into a JavaScript file, Rider provides code completion and navigation support for class names in that module.
    • Rider now detects tsconfig.json and takes it into account when analyzing TypeScript files.
    • Code completion and navigation for Angular Material attributes is now available.
    • When using webpack, Rider better understands complex configurations and properly resolves paths in import statements and import suggestions.
  • Version control improvements - When you work with Git, Rider now lets you revert and reword local commits. To do this, use the context menu under the Log tab in the Version Control tool window.
  • Make changes from search results - Search results from the same lines are now merged together. Also, the Preview pane now has a left-hand gutter that displays line numbers, navigation icons, context actions and local change markers. This makes it easy to make small changes directly from a search.
  • More unit testing improvements
    • NUnit tests are now supported for full .NET Framework, .NET Core 2.0, and .NET Core 1.1.
    • All unit test providers now have their own settings pages where framework-specific settings can be tweaked. In addition, it's possible to disable frameworks that are not in use.
    • Performance improvements for solutions that contain large test sets, as well as tests that produce a lot of output (including word wrap).
  • NuGet updates
    • Now using NuGet 4.3 under the hood, which brings full support for SemVer2 and .NET Core 2.0.
    • Support for wildcard versions in package references.
    • When referencing packages that are not targeting .NET Core 2.0 (but are known to work with it), the AssetTargetFallback property can be used to define "fallback" target frameworks for project's dependencies. By default, .NET Core 2.0 projects will have this property set to net461, meaning that any NuGet package that is compatible with .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher can be used without additional configuration. Rider now also includes initial support for this.
    • You can now install CLI tools packages right from within the NuGet client, without manually editing the .csproj file. For example, this is useful with Entity Framework Core's database migration commands from Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools.DotNet.
    • We made some UI changes as well: for example, you can now toggle position of the package details pane, which is useful if you prefer to keep the NuGet tool window vertically oriented. And when possible, package icons will be rendered in high DPI making everything look more crisp.
  • More changes
    • More and better code completion suggestions in CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, .config, .csproj and XML files.
    • Improved Multi-line completion: for instance, import completion in C# is now available when you invoke code completion with multiple text carets set.
    • When generating code, such as overriding or missing members, Rider now shows descriptions of base members that are being overridden or implemented.
    • Import and export of all global settings is available, including both settings coming from ReSharper and the IntelliJ platform.