Rider 2018.1

Released: Apr 19, 2018

Updates in 2018.1


  • Roslyn analyzers - If you have Roslyn analyzers installed in your projects via NuGet or .csproj references, Rider will highlight them in the editor and let you apply quick actions (if available) via the Alt+Enter menu.
  • Entity Framework - Rider 2018.1 brings initial Entity Framework support in .NET Framework projects. It is available under Tools | Entity Framework and includes the following functionality:
    • Support for the most popular versions of Entity Framework: 6.0 to 6.2.
    • Initial Setup, Enable Migrations, Add Migration, Get Migrations, and Update Database actions available as dialog boxes.
    • Smart code completion for fields in the dialog boxes filters the suggestions list and shows only applicable projects, types, and names.
  • Deeper integration with Unity
    • You can now switch into and out of Play mode, and pause and step a single frame without leaving Rider. A new toolbar includes game view buttons Play, Pause, and Step, which correspond to the same buttons in Unity Editor and control the same behavior as Unity Editor does. A new small Unity icon in the status bar will indicate whether Unity Editor is connected, refreshing, or in Play mode. Any changes applied in Rider in Edit mode will be instantly delivered to Unity Editor.
    • The new Unity Logs tool window with hyperlinked stack traces lets you explore the same events that are logged in the Unity Editor console. It allows filtering by category (error, warning, or message), hides events based on when they were logged (in Play or Edit mode), and lets you easily navigate to any source file, class, method, or property mentioned in the log entry. Unity Logs cleans its output automatically after every switch to Play mode.
    • Provides seamless integration with Unity Test Runner. Explore the results of your Unity-specific tests, filter by result, and click on stack traces to navigate to your code - all from within Rider.
    • Added a Unity Explorer view that duplicates Unity Editor's view of assets, to make you feel right at home.
  • XAML preview - The WPF Application project type implemented in Rider 2017.3 has received a missing fragment - a built-in mechanism to preview the results of any change you make in XAML code.
  • Memory view in debugger - A new debugger feature called Memory View allows you to look under the hood of an application and explore the managed heap while debugging, to understand the effect of code on the application's memory space.
  • More debugger updates
    • Exploring exception details gets easier with the new exception popup. It shows basic information about a thrown exception and helps you quickly navigate through the highlighted stack traces of the exception. In addition, you can change exception breakpoint settings right inside the popup.
    • Smart Step Into has been combined with Jump to Statement, which means that already executed calls can be executed again.
    • Symbol server support allows you to configure the behavior of symbols and symbol servers.
    • Rider learns to display the source code for return value locals in the Variables view (a.k.a "locals") of the Debug tool window.
    • Debugger's Attach window displays process names and IDs and suggests elevating permissions when elevation is required. (Note: right now this works only for .NET Framework on Windows.)
    • Attaching to local process gets faster.
  • NuGet improvements
    • On the first load of the solution where package restore is required, Rider now automatically displays an authentication prompt and stores credentials in Rider's password store.
    • Rider 2018.1 also comes with built-in credential providers for popular NuGet hosting solutions such as MyGet and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).
    • You can also add a custom credential provider.
    • Added initial support for bulk NuGet operations. You can update all packages in solution with a click of a new button on the toolbar in the NuGet Packages tab. It is also possible to update any installed package for all or several projects up to a required version, as well as remove it in one click.
  • Better understanding of projects and solutions
    • Develop and build full .NET framework applications without an existing Visual Studio or Visual Studio Build Tools installation on a Windows machine using JetBrains redistributable of MSBuild.
    • Support Web References: view web references in the Solution Explorer, discover and add WCF web references by URL, and remove existing web references.
    • Open and run Web Site projects with full support, including navigation, refactoring, code analysis, and so on.
    • Provide UI for editing project properties in .NET Core solutions.
    • Discover and auto-detect MSBuild more accurately.
  • Evolving F# support
    • In F# projects, files are now arranged in dependency order, and you can drag-and-drop to reorder files in Solution Explorer. File re-ordering works for multiple files, so you can also move files before or after an existing directory.
    • F# scripting has been improved, too:
    • Code Completion, highlighting, and analysis work as expected.
    • Navigation commands such as Search Everywhere, Go to Symbol, Go to File Member, Find Usages, and Viewing File Structure all support scripts.
    • Smart Code Completion for files in #r and #load directives provides all the applicable files from subdirectories and inserts the relative path.
  • More changes from ReSharper
    • Full understanding of C# 7.2 and improved support for previous C# versions.
    • Using EditorConfig to set inspection severities for any scope: solution, project, or a specific file.
    • Code formatting inspections: Rider can now highlight code formatting violations right in the editor as you code.
    • StyleCop support configurable. Note that StyleCop configuration may override Rider's own code style settings.
  • Changes from the IntelliJ platform
    • Docker support is now aware of multiple Docker Compose files, including docker-compose.override.yml, and allows choosing the services right away after choosing the configuration files in the run configuration.
    • Preview of regex replacement in the Replace in Path dialog.
    • New compact and lightweight documentation popup.
    • Better HiDPI support on multiple displays for Windows.
  • More frontend development features
    • This update supports the latest TypeScript 2.7 features, improves the Implement Members action, and adds a new Surround with type guard quick-fix for unresolved properties.
    • Configuring package managers in Rider is now much easier. In Node.js and npm preferences, you can select between npm and Yarn and then have Rider use the preference when installing dependencies and running scripts. If you open a new project with a yarn.lock file, Rider will use Yarn in it if it's installed.
    • The Rename refactoring for classes now offers renaming a file if it has the same name as the class.
    • Ctrl/Cmd-click on a class name in HTML will navigate to its declaration in Sass, SCSS, or Less source code. In addition, code completion will suggest classes and IDs from all style sheets if there are no matching symbols in the linked CSS file.
  • Version control improvements
    • Partial Git commits (git add -p) let you easily commit only selected changes from a file. Use checkboxes in the diff view of the Commit Changes dialog to select chunks of code you want to commit. Also, change markers in the left gutter let you move a change to any existing changelist or create a new one.
    • There's now a new Group by icon available in the Local Changes tab in the Version Control tool window, which allows you to group local changes by their directory, module, or repository.
    • Rider now highlights hashes in the commit details, and allows you to one-click jump to this commit in the Log tab.
    • Abort Rebase, Continue Rebase, and Skip Commit actions are now available from the Git Branches pop-up.
  • Other changes
    • New MSTest settings dialog.
    • New customization settings for C# Interactive: set focus to tool window on open/Send Line, or move the caret down on Send Line.
    • The Ideolog plugin is available for download from the IDE.
    • The Scratches view is working as expected with a fully-fledged context menu.