Rider 2018.2

Released: Aug 23, 2018

Updates in 2018.2


  • Debugger enhancements
    • Rider now displays call stacks that make use of modern C# features in an understandable way, including generic types, async function names, constructors, static methods, and other type information.
    • Added thread-specific breakpoints to simplify the debugging of multi-threaded code.
    • Inspecting and expanding unsafe pointers is supported.
    • Smart Step Into now correctly handles methods that are decorated with the [DebuggerStepThrough]attribute.
    • Debugger.NotifyOfCrossThreadDependency is supported.
    • Added an option to automatically refresh all watches in the debugger tool window on every debugger pause.
    • Types in the Memory View window are now formatted in C# style instead of the CLR style.
  • Publishing to IIS or FTP
    • Rider introduces two new run configurations: Publish to IIS and Publish to custom server. Both serve the purpose of deploying ASP.NET Core web applications to a local or remote server.
  • Docker support has reached the debugger
    • Rider now supports debugging ASP.NET Core apps in a local (Linux) Docker container.
  • Solution Explorer redesign
    • A new toolbar lets you easily toggle the option to show all files, which will reveal all other files that are not part of the project model (highlighted in brown).
    • Rider 2018.2 introduces the File-system view in addition to the Solution view, which shows the actual file-system structure underneath the solution file.
    • Added a dialog to make configuring custom file nestings easier.
    • With the latest version, there is also an option to show folders always on top, which may be a more natural presentation for some of us.
  • Code completion improvements
    • Rider now uses ReSharper’s statistics-based scoring algorithm to provide code completion.
    • Expanded code completion to several places: scratch files, debugger watches, and C# Interactive. Just like when writing code in a regular C# or VB.NET file, Rider provides code completion as well as method info and parameter hint popups.
    • Added a feature for when you are trying to access a pointer type’s members in an unsafe context and the -> operator must be used instead of the .(dot). To help prevent unsafe code, Rider will detect it whenever we use the wrong operator, and when completing code, will use the correct one instead.
  • Unit test coverage and continuous testing
    • Classic unit test code coverage analysis using Coverage Tree and code highlighting. Everything looks and feels exactly the same as in Visual Studio with ReSharper Ultimate.
    • Continuous testing in Rider is no different from ReSharper Ultimate. Simply enable it for the desired session, change the code, and build or save the project (depending on the preferences).
  • Templates Explorer
    • Now, you can manage, add, or modify Live/Surround/File Templates right in the Rider settings under Editor | Live Templates and Editor | File Templates.
  • MacBook Touch Bar support
    • Just like the other JetBrains IDEs, Rider has support for the MacBook TouchBar.
  • C# 7.3 support
    • Declaration expressions in initializers and queries.
    • Tuple equality.
    • Ref assignments.
    • Unmanaged, System.Delegate, and System.Enum constraints.
    • Stackalloc array initializers.
    • Pattern-based fixed statement.
    • Indexing movable fixed buffers.
  • Frontend development features
    • TypeScript support was improved and now supports all the language features from the latest TypeScript 2.9/3.0 releases. Besides that, Rider now offers more quick-fixes provided by the TypeScript language service itself.
    • Extract and convert React component.
    • New integrations with Angular CLI.
    • Completion for events in Vue.js.
    • A bunch of new context actions in the Alt-Enter menu, e.g., Implement interface, Create derived class, Implement members of an interface or abstract class, Generate cases for switch, and Iterate with for..of.
  • Integrated spell checking with ReSpeller
    • This release comes with the ReSpeller extension to provide spell-checking functionality out of the box.
  • Unit testing
    • Discovering and running tests in SDK-styled projects has become faster.
    • A new lock/unlock icon has been added to Unit Test Session toolbar, now you can lock a Unit Test session to prevent adding more tests.
    • Run and debug tests are now possible even on Mono on Windows.
    • It is possible to open the Unit Test Explorer window from the Navigate To menu.
    • Unit testing related actions have been added into the default keymap.
  • NuGet support
    • NuGet support in Rider 2018.2 includes filter and format customization in NuGet logs, and advanced diagnostics which will help you to understand what happened if something with a NuGet package went wrong.
    • Added support for the AutoReferenced packages and TLS-1.2-onlyNuGet feeds.
    • Support for project.json-based projects has been discontinued.
  • C# Interactive update
    • In Rider 2018.2, a new Reference in the C# Interactive context menu is available for projects and assemblies.
    • Rider now supports attaching the debugger to C# Interactive and steps through our own code when invoked from C# Interactive.
  • F# support
    • File Templates now work inside F# projects, generating files with boilerplate code is now as easy as it is in C#.
    • FSharp.Compiler.Service has been updated to receive several F# 4.5 features/changes, the most notable of which are:
    • Span support.
    • match! keyword.
    • Struct annotations for Records and Unions.
    • Implicit Module suffix.
  • Improvements in Unity support
    • Introduced full support for Unity Assembly Definition Files(.asmdef): JSON schema validation, code completion, Find Usages, Rename refactoring, Navigation on references elements, AsmDeffile templates, and inspections/quick-fixes for self-reference and file name/assembly name mismatch. Also, Rider now supports Roslyn C# compiler response files(csc.rsp)
    • Added an option to disable Unity Reload Assembles when Unity receives focus in Play mode (only for Unity prior to 2018.2, as 2018.2 has the same option natively).
    • From now on, you can open a Unity Editor/Player log directly in Rider, and here you have the actions available to filter and collapse similar log entries. All commands are available under the cog menu in the Unity Log tool window.
    • Code Analysis has been significantly improved. There are lots of new inspections and appropriate quick fixes to improve your Unity code, and we have made a bunch of bug-fixes, most notable of which is the invalid warning for this == null in Unity types.
    • In addition to all this, support for debugging remote players has been improved, and Packages and Scratches nodes have been added to Unity Explorer.
  • Other features
    • A new Generate GUID action is available.
    • Introduced initial support for .ruleset files. Enable it by going to File | Settings | Editor | Inspection Settings and selecting the check-box Read settings from editor config and project settings.
    • Settings from stylecop.json are no longer ignored and are taken into account during analysis.
    • VCS support now has several new features, such as: Resolve of merge conflicts with a new Merge Conflicts node in an easier way, enhancements in VCS Log tab, and explore the state of the repository based on any given revision.
    • Custom tools can now be specified for a file extension in Settings.
    • We’ve added more colors to the Parameter Info popup and the Summary tooltip for IntelliSense in C# and VB.NET
    • The Build settings icon is available on the toolbar in the Build tool window, leading you to the settings page Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolset and Build.
    • A Runtime arguments field has been added to .NET-related templates on Run/Debug Configuration for passing custom parameters to runtime.
    • The Re-run action is now available on the Find Usages tab.