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Syncfusion Essential Studio Business Intelligence Edition

Easily build powerful analysis interfaces into your .NET applications with gauges, charts, and grids - including pivot grids – that give your users the ability to visualize and make... sense of your organization’s data.

Published by Syncfusion
Distributed by ComponentSource since 2002


Essential Studio Business Intelligence updated

Released: Oct 26, 2011

Updates in this release

Updates in 2011

Essential BI Chart

  • Drill Position Support - This feature enables you to restrict drilling operations to a specific level of a dimension, making it an optimized way to load drilled data when the objective is to analyze only the current position of the drilled member. This saves loading time by excluding the unselected position of the current member’s data.

Essential BI Grid

  • ASP.NET MVC Implementation - Essential BI Grid is available for the ASP.NET MVC platform, allowing users to visualize multidimensional data in a high-performance pivot grid interface. Essential BI Grid summarizes large amounts of information and represents it in a cross-tabulated format, can automatically display retrieved OLAP data by binding to an OlapDataManager, and renders the results of an OLAP query in a cross-tabulated interface. Essential BI Grid also supports drill-down and drill-up functionalities, themes, ToolTips, and server and AJAX action modes.
  • Drill Position Support - This feature provides an optimized way to load drilled data when the objective is to analyze only the current position of the drilled member.  This saves loading time by excluding the unselected position of the current member’s data.

Essential BI Client for Silverlight

  • Dynamic Connection Setting - This feature allows you to dynamically specify the connection string for the XMLA data source in your Silverlight code instead of in server-side web.config files.