TeamCity 2020.1.x

Released: May 18, 2020

Updates in 2020.1.x


Updated Oct 8, 2020


  • Added the ability to explicitly specify SameSite=None attribute for session cookies.


  • Corrupted custom data storage produces endless stream of warnings like "storage is corrupted and will be re-created" in the teamcity-server log.
  • TeamCity failed to terminate an AWS instance.
  • Node trigger responsibilities may get stale if node has been unexpectedly terminated.
  • [IDEA Runner] jetbrains/buildServer/agent/ideaRunner/ExternalMakeMessageHandlerAntTaskExtension : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0.
  • Copy-paste typo in TeamCity REST API reference.
  • K8SCloudParamsXmlConverter should support custom profile name.
  • 'Nodes time difference' health report shows wrong time diff between nodes.
  • Opening Custom Build Dialog hang when the build configuration depends on many other build configurations (fetching builds tags is slow).
  • Slow processing of VCS trigger with triggering rules if branch disappears for some reason and then appears again.
  • RemoteStatusManager.getFilteredGZippedSummaryByVcsUris can be slow because of inefficient PersonalSupportBatchServiceImpl.checkForParents method Task.
  • Two security-related issues have been fixed.


Updated Sep 10, 2020


  • Fixed an issue where re-run dialog hangs if build has no snapshot dependencies.
  • Fixed an issue where muted tests are displayed with status "Investigation was assigned to you" and are present in list of failed tests.
  • Fixed an issue where IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown during cleanup because of BuildPromotionEx#getProjectPathIds returns empty list.
  • Fixed an issue where you cannot pass a multiline value into a PowerShell parameter.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect links to documentation in UI.
  • Fixed an issue with failed to apply changes from VCS to project settings: BuildType with empty UUID.
  • Fixed an issue with [Gradle runner] jetbrains/buildServer/gradle/GradleRunnerConstants : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0.
  • Fixed an issue with Incorrect "isNewFailure" status calculation for composite builds on Tests page.
  • Fixed an issue with broken quick links when using experimental UI, a custom server context, and a reverse proxy.
  • Fixed an issue with new failing tests in left pane shows tests from personal build.
  • Fixed an issue where TeamCity does not always build Pull Requests from Bitbucket Server.
  • Fixed an issue with missing paused build type indicator on project overview (Builds view).
  • Fixed an issue where NuGet search may create a bunch of concurrent requests which will hang server.
  • Fixed an issue where Git mirrors marked as invalid may consume tens of gigabytes of agent disk space.
  • Fixed an issue where first commit into non-existing Perforce path is not detected.
  • Fixed an issue where Perforce Client name should not be used to ready Client mapping.
  • Fixed an issue where Checkout and Test connection fail with client, that is configured with view mapping like //depot/client name/.
  • Fixed an issue where "Choose from VCS" icon is in a wrong place for NuGet steps.
  • Fixed an issue where Artifacts of composite builds dependencies are never cleaned up.
  • Fixed an issue where "Choose from VCS" icon has wrong location for Command Line, Inspections (IntelliJ IDEA) runners.
  • Fixed an issue where promote build modal no longer closes after clicking run button.
  • Fixed an issue where build can be wrongly marked as history if build chain is removed from the queue while checking for changes was still in progress.
  • Fixed an issue with no way to close popups until page is loaded.
  • Fixed an issue with using x86 msbuild by default in .NET runner.
  • Fixed an issue with .NET Runner (vstest) and cumulative code coverage report from dotCover.
  • Fixed an issue with inconsistent behavior of titles of favorite builds on Favorites page.
  • Fixed an issue where .NET dotCover failed on Docker Linux/Linux.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect data in Grafana for some metrics (build configurations number, projects number affected).
  • Fixed an issue where Mercurial is missing in 2020.1.2 images.
  • Fixed an issue where ErrorPage retry button doesn't work.
  • Fixed an issue with HTTP 403 when saving changes in Cross-Server Project Popup.
  • Fixed an issue with StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in CustomKeyEncryptionStrategy.isEncrypted (after attempt to enable custom encryption key).
  • Fixed an issue where <localRepository> tag (Maven local system repository specified in Maven settings.xml) doesn't evaluate referred environment variables.
  • Fixed an issue where TeamCity detects only first commit in Bitbucket PRs.


Updated Aug 11, 2020


  • Improved Agents sidebar keyboard support.
  • Added the ability to filter failed tests that don't have an investigator.
  • Added the ability to expand the Agents sidebar on search.
  • Added the ability to report disk usage metric on per-project basis, for top-level projects.


Updated Jul 9, 2020


  • The expandable list of projects is now back in the classic UI.
  • Agent push feature now allows installing recently introduced full agent on a remote host.
  • Experimental UI: improved Agents page and other usability fixes.


Updated Jun 23, 2020


  • Password fields are no longer convertible to textfields as it exposes the password in plain text.
  • Expanded ANSI coloring support to include 256 color set.
  • Added new build page: dark mode for build logs.
  • Added disk usage metric into /app/metrics exposed by TeamCity.
  • Added Sticky Header for build log page.
  • .NET runner now supports custom commands.
  • Added the ability to allow you to redefine cache location with a startup/internal property.
  • Slack notifier - Added verbose messages for 'Notifications' build feature.
  • TeamCity agent Docker images now have an extra tag - linux-sudo. The linux-sudo image is most convenient for running Docker within Docker and installing additional software during the build.


Updated May 18, 2020


  • Conditional build steps - TeamCity 2020.1 allows you to specify conditions for your build steps and execute them only if the criteria are met.
  • Build with scale in a cluster - Simple and reproducible cluster deployments are now available out of the box. TeamCity 2020.1 lets you implement a scalable CI/CD architecture on top of Kubernetes: build agents can be launched automatically when you need them, do their job, and then be removed after the build is completed.
  • Multi-server - Running multiple TeamCity servers and making them work together can elevate your CI/CD to a whole new level of performance and reliability. This release has improved how TeamCity works in a clustering environment by extending the capabilities of secondary servers with trigger processing and support for user-level actions in the UI.
  • Trigger processing - Professionals working with large installations have hundreds if not thousands of triggers that fire on changes in VCS, package updates, and new artifacts. To help them achieve the highest possible performance, we now allow secondary servers to take part in this process and take some load off the primary server.
  • User-level actions - This release improves the UI of the secondary server, making it possible to modify user profiles, change view of projects and configurations, manage build agents, and more.
  • Easier deployment of cloud build agents - TeamCity 2020.1 comes with a new option to download a pre-packaged agent distribution from the TeamCity server. Pre-packaged build agents don’t need to update themselves upon connection to the TeamCity server, and this makes creating and updating cloud images faster and more straightforward.
  • Notifications - New build feature allows project administrators to set up automatic alerts to the entire team. New notifications can be configured on the build configuration level, so you can edit, reuse, and share them using the Kotlin DSL. The all-new Slack notifier lets your team get notifications about the status of your builds directly in Slack.
  • Jira Software Cloud - TeamCity has always had elegant integration with Jira, which automatically replaces issue codes in commit messages with links to the respective Jira issues. To support even more workflows, this release has extended the integration and started to send the status of your builds and deployments to Jira Software Cloud. Now you can look into your CI/CD pipelines and release history right in your issue tracker, and see which issues are associated with failing builds.
  • Azure DevOps - This release extends the list of Git hosting services supported by the Pull Requests build feature, and adds support for the Azure DevOps pull requests. The new option allows you to automatically run builds on pull request branches of the Azure DevOps, similarly to how you can do it with GitHub and GitLab.
  • New Sakura UI - To support more use cases of the classic TeamCity, the experimental UI of version 2020.1 comes with updated Agents and Projects pages, and allows configuring the project sidebar.