Xceed Words for .NET V2.4

Released: Oct 5, 2022

Updates in V2.4


  • The Microsoft .NET Standard version of this product is no longer supported. The Microsoft .NET 5 version should be used instead.
  • Container, Document and Paragraph:
    • The old ReplaceText and ReplaceTextWithObject methods are now obsolete. Two new methods, with the same name but with only one parameter called replaceTextOptions, have been created as a replacement.
  • Document:
    • Calling a ReplaceText() method multiple times on a big document is now faster.
    • Using the InsertContent() method for inserting HTML content now works with non-English characters.
    • Loading a .docm document and using the Save() method will now save the document as a .docm document.
  • Paragraph:
    • Added two new properties, called StartIndex and EndIndex, which are now available to find out where a paragraph is located in the document.
    • The InsertPageCount and AppendPageCount methods now include a new parameter, called useSectionPageCount, that allows you to count the pages in the section or in the document.
  • PDF Conversion:
    • Adjustments have been made to improve thread-safety.
    • Converting a document that contains many pictures, shapes or tables is now faster.
    • Tables using a WrapStyle will now be converted to PDF.
  • Table:
    • Pictures are now displayed when a table is inserted inside of a header or footer.
    • Inserting or removing rows or columns now updates the paragraph count in the document.


  • The size of the CheckBoxes will now stay the same if they are created in Xceed’s Words and then edited with Microsoft Word.
  • Document:
    • Looping through Paragraphs and retrieving the next Paragraph when the current one is empty does no longer create an infinite loop.
    • Inserting or removing Paragraphs, Tables or Lists no longer results in an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
  • Paragraph:
    • The correct Paragraphs are now returned when the NextParagraph and PreviousParagraph properties are used in context of Headers or Footers.
    • Acting on a paragraph no longer removes the values in the NextParagraph and PreviousParagraph properties.
    • Calling the Spacing method or using a Formatting object that has a value in its Spacing property no longer raises an exception saying that the value must be between -1585 and 1585 when it actually is.
    • Setting the value of a SpacingAfter or SpacingBefore to 0 when the value is already 0 no longer results in a NullRefException.
  • PDF Conversion:
    • Pictures located inside of a Header or Footer are now displayed in the final PDF document.
    • The resulting PDF now respects more closely the line spacing settings found in the original Document when specific line spacing values were used for Paragraphs.
    • Texts located inside of Tables are no longer cut during the conversion process.
    • A Paragraph which contains Pictures but no text will no longer have an empty line after the Pictures.
    • The height of Cells that are inside a Table no longer takes too much space when said Cells have padding.
    • The keepLines tag now reads its value attribute to determine if the Paragraph’s lines must be kept together. Because of this, the final PDF documents are no longer missing pages.
    • The content of a Table that has a single Row is no longer repeated on every page when that Table is split over multiple pages.
    • The text displayed on the last pages is no longer cut when a Table is split on more than two pages.
    • Unnecessary spacing is no longer added during the conversion process when a Table has a Cell that contains a single Paragraph with a LineSpacingAfter value but no text.
    • Replacing text and converting a Document to PDF when Paragraphs containing Images are split on two pages no longer repeats the Paragraphs in the resulting PDF.
    • A StackOverflow exception is no longer thrown when a big image is converted.
    • Tables with a null TableLook no longer throw a NullRefException when they are converted to PDF.
    • OutOfRange exceptions are no longer thrown when the Document that is converted contains no Section.
  • Table:
    • Retrieving Pictures from a Table when the Table is located inside of a Header or Footer no longer raises an exception.