Xceed Words for .NET V3.0

Released: Oct 25, 2023

Updates in V3.0


  • It is now possible to insert HTML content into a Document.
  • New methods are available to replace text with HTML content when working in a Document, Container or Paragraph.
  • Converting HTML content to the PDF format is now supported.


  • Document:
    • Supported content that was inserted from an HTML file or HTML string will now appear correctly once a Document is converted into PDF.
    • Merging multiple Documents that contain more than one style no longer results in a corrupted Document.
    • Merging 2 different Documents containing Charts that are using external data no longer results in a corrupted Document.
    • Appending multiple Documents to an existing Document will now correctly display the images that can be found in more than one of those Documents.
    • Setting the AutoFit property to Window on a Table with merged Cells will now stretch the Table so that it matches the window's width.
    • Calling document.InsertDocument() to insert a Document where text was previously replaced in a Header or Footer will now keep said text modifications in the final Document.
    • The InsertListAfterSelf and InsertListBeforeSelf methods no longer mix the Paragraphs' indexes.
    • Bulleted lists are no longer converted to numbered lists when the AddCoreProperty method is used.
    • All the items and subitems contained within a List will now be displayed correctly once said List is updated.
    • Empty paragraphs will now be removed once a text replacement task is completed in situations where the ReplaceText method is used and the RemoveEmptyParagraph property is set to true.
    • Replacing texts in a Document where the Headers or Footers are set to null no longer throws a NullReffException.
    • An exception no longer occurs when the AutoFit property is set to Contents on a Table with merged Cells.
    • An ArgumentOutOfRangeException no longer occurs when an element is inserted into a Document at a specific index.
  • Paragraph:
    • Calling GetBookmarks() no longer throws a NullRefException when no bookmarkStart tag is found in the Document.
    • Removing a Paragraph at a specific index no longer throws an OutOfBoundException.
  • PDF Conversion:
    • Using both horizontal & vertical merged Cells in the same Document no longer offsets the content of those Cells in the converted PDF document.
    • Converting CheckBoxes no longer repeats texts.
    • Tabs are now read before the CheckBoxes are converted.
    • Setting a negative Spacing value before or after a Paragraph no longer reduces line spacing.
    • When working with a Table, any Row that has the tag tblHeader with its value set to 0 is no longer seen as a Header Row. Instead, this kind of Row will now be flagged as a normal Row during the PDF Conversion, which will prevent a StackOverflow exception when that Table needs to be split on multiple pages.
    • Converting a Table no longer raises an InputString was not in correct Format exception when the application has a non-English setting.