Aspose.Tasks for .NET Releases
Released: Apr 14, 2022
Updates in V22.4
- Added support for reading Primavera XER files containing multiple projects.
- Added the ability to specify the behavior of task constraint import during XER format.
- Added support for reading User Defined Fields in XER format.
- Fixed reading/writing of PreleveledStart and PreleveledFinish fields.
- Fixed task ‘Notes’ icon is incorrectly shown when MPP saved by Aspose.Tasks is opened using MS Project.
- Fixed calculation of formula.
- Fixed reading of Activity Codes from XER: some codes are...
Released: Mar 15, 2022
Updates in V22.3
- Added cancellation token support for Microsoft Project loading operations.
- Added support for the reading/writing of Status date from/to XER files.
- WorkingTime has been made immutable.
- Added an API to set a user-specified callback which allows you to substitute absent fonts when a project is rendered to a graphical format.
- Removed unnecessary memory allocations when reading Task, Assignment, Resource properties.
- Added support for “Calculation for task and group summary rows” custom field...
Released: Feb 11, 2022
Updates in V22.2
- Improved memory allocation when reading View data from MPP files.
- Renamed CalculationType.Calculation to CalculationType.Formula.
- Fixed project’s timescale start \ finish is not shown properly by MS Project.
- Fixed file in MPP12 format saved by Aspose.Tasks cannot be opened by MS Project.
- Fixed reading of Prj.TimescaleStart for the specific file.
Released: Jan 14, 2022
Updates in V22.1
- Renamed members of SaveFileFormat enum to camel case.
- Changed return type of *Slack properties to System.TimeSpan.
- Fixed ShowProjectSummaryTask public API.
- Fixed rendering of timescale to fit it to page’s width.
Released: Dec 16, 2021
Updates in V21.12
- Fixed issue where resource calendars are missing in file saved by Aspose.Tasks.
- Fixed incorrect Primavera percentage complete value.
- Fixed incorrect updating of project work completed up to the specified date.
Released: Nov 19, 2021
Updates in V21.11
- System.OverflowException: TimeSpan overflowed because the duration is too long.
- Fixed Exception on loading the P6 XML file.
- Fixed formula parsing exceptions when opening the specific file.
Released: Oct 13, 2021
Updates in V21.10
- Fixed calculation of formula results when operand is #ERROR value.
- Fixed “Value was either too large or too small for a Decimal.” exception when get pages count.
- Fixed reading of values of Actual Work’s Timephased Data.
- Fixed “File reading error.” exception when open document.
- Fixed rendering of task links in Gantt chart view.
Released: Sep 17, 2021
Updates in V21.9
and PageSettings.PagesInHeight
are now taken into account when a View is rendered. These properties correspond to the “Fit to X pages wide by Y tall” fields in the Microsoft Project Page Setup dialog.
and PageSettings.AdjustToPercentOfNormalSize
properties are now taken into account when a View is rendered. These properties correspond to the “Adjust to X % normal size” field in the Microsoft Project Page Setup dialog.
Released: Aug 14, 2021
Updates in V21.8
- Added the ability to read AutoFilters with multiple values.
- Fixed "The given key '188744169' was not present in the dictionary." exception when open MPP document.
- Fixed "The given key '1680' was not present in the dictionary." exception when open document.
- Fixed StackOverflowException when creating a Project from Primavera XML.
- Fixed Aspose.Tasks Index was outside the bounds of the array.
- Fixed TotalSlack not returning the proper values.
- Resource Over Allocation not updated for...
Released: Jul 18, 2021
Updates in V21.7
- Added support for graphical indicators in MPP files.
- Fixed wrong Timephased Data for the material resource in MPP.
- Fixed Invalid Tsk.Id when blank line is inserted.
- Fixed tasks are not shown in MS Project when opening result of “CopyTo” method.
- Fixed task lines are shown incorrectly when blank line is inserted for MPP 2003 and 2008.