Bunifu UI WinForms Releases
Released: Aug 7, 2024
Updates in v7.2.0
- Breaking Change - Resolved licensing issues in Microsoft .NET 5, 6, 7, and 8 by revamping the licensing architecture from the old .NET Framework standard. If you happen to receive errors relating to the "Licenses.licx" file, please go ahead and delete the file then clean and rebuild your project.
Released: Apr 9, 2024
Updates in v7.0.0
- Added support for Microsoft .NET 8.
- Improved performance, productivity, and the overall developer experience.
- Improved rendering performance.
- Added UI optimizations on some of the controls.
Released: Dec 14, 2023
Updates in v6.3.0
- Reduced dependencies support and optimized for portability.
- Improved SFA (Single File Assembly) support and enhancements.
- Improved DPI scaling for several controls in high-resolution screens.
- BunifuControlDragResizer: Fixed accuracy issues with window resizing at runtime.
Released: Mar 29, 2023
Updates in v6.1.0
- BunifuTextBox: Added text casing support using property 'CharacterCasing'.
- All controls and components are now packaged into a single-file assembly (SFA).
- BunifuControlDragResizer: Fixed an issue with resizing accuracy at runtime.
Released: Oct 26, 2022
Updates in v6.0.2
- Bunifu ScrollBars: Fixed 'MissingManifestResourceException' when loading scrollbars.
Released: Sep 8, 2022
Updates in v6.0.1
- Form Resizer - A component that lets you resize a borderless form to your desired size preference. It works out of the box - no C# code is needed to make it work. The form resizer can be added both at design time and run time.
- Form Drag - A component provides drag operations on borderless forms. Bunifu Form Drag comes with docking, title and drag properties and it can be added at both design time and at run time.
- Form Caption Button - A rich caption control that lets you control the...
Released: Jul 7, 2022
Updates in v6.0.0
- Added support for Microsoft .NET 6 and higher.
- Added Bunifu Form Resize Icon.
- Added Bunifu Form Drag component.
- Bunifu Snackbar: Added 'MessageTopMargin' property.
- Bunifu TextBox: Added support for password placeholders.
- Significantly reduced graphics memory footprint.
- Improved rendering performance for controls.
- Bunifu Button:
- Fixed hover/idle state conflicts.
- Fixed left and right icons not being responsive.
- Fixed toggle style losing focus in some instances.
- Licensing: Resolved...
Released: Mar 10, 2021
Updates in v5.x
Updated Nov 5, 2021
- Added Bunifu Icon Button control - An engaging icon control built with the underlying properties and methods of Bunifu Button. It includes smooth transitional animations when hovered over or clicked.
- Bunifu Form Dock: Fixed form maximize/restore issue.
- Bunifu Snackbar: Fixed null object reference issue.
- Bunifu ToolTip: Fixed null object reference issue.
Updated Sep 13, 2021
- Bunifu Button: Added 'IconLeft' and 'IconRight' properties in...