ComponentOne Studio WinForms Edition 2016 v2.5

Released: Sep 14, 2016

Updates in 2016 v2.5


  • FlexChart for WinForms - Added Sunburst chart control for visualization of data hierarchies.
  • FlexReport for WinForms
    • Now text can be specified for report's watermark or overlay (If both Watermark.Picture and Watermark.Text are specified then watermark/overlay will be rendered as an image).
    • The following properties were added to the Watermark class describing C1FlexReport.Watermark and C1FlexReport.Overlay:
      • public string Text { get; set; }
      • public WritingMode WritingMode { get; set; }
      • public FieldAlignEnum Align { get; set; }
      • public Color ForeColor { get; set; }
      • public float TextAngle { get; set; }
      • public bool WordWrap { get; set; }
      • public FontHolder Font { get; set; }
      • public double LineSpacing { get; set; }
      • public TextFitMode TextFitMode { get; set; }
      • public double Opacity { get; set; }
    • [FlexViewer] Supported page rotation by 90/180/270 degrees, added the RotateView property to C1FlexViewer.
  • GanttView for WinForms
    • Added tool strip button "Split Task" and floating tooltip to improve usability of splitting.
    • Task Info dialog is now enabled when the GanttView is Read-only.
  • InputPanel for WinForms - Added the missing descriptions for members of the following enumerations: StyleBrush, StyleColor, StyleConst, StyleFlag, StyleFont, StyleGlyph.
  • PDF for .NET - Added support PDF/A compliance for PDF annotations.
  • Scheduler for WinForms - Improved scrolling performance in TimeLineView.
  • SuperTooltip for WinForms
    • The C1SuperTooltip control is now inherited from the C1SuperTooltipBase control from the C1.Win assembly.
    • The C1SuperLabel control is now inherited from the C1SuperLabelBase control from the C1.Win assembly.
  • TreeView for WinForms
    • Added new method GetNodeAtPoint. This method gets the node located at the specified point of client area.
    • Added Drag & Drop. (EnableDragDrop property & ItemDrag event)
    • Added new property TreeBoundMode. This property gets or sets a value indicating type of the bound mode.
  • True DBGrid for WinForms - Added new property Wrap (instead WrapText). This property can set wrap state, where line-breaking occurs if the line overflows beyond the available block width, even if the standard line breaking algorithm cannot determine any line break opportunity, as in the case of a very long word constrained in a fixed-width container with no scrolling allowed.
  • Word for WinForms - Changed behavior: not disposed stream at DOCX saving.
  • Other Improvements
    • [C1Command] A new component, C1DockingManager, is added that allows disable/cancel certain docking actions.
    • [C1NavBar] Style-defining properties are collected under a roof of a new Style property.
    • [C1Document] Added sanity code for SetPrintSettings methods, C1PageSettings may be null (XLS/XLSX/DOCX/RTF exports).
    • [C1Document] Added support of hyperlink actions to the C1SSRSDocumentSource.
    • [C1Document] Following members of the C1DocumentSource are made public:
      • public void Generate()
      • public IAsyncActionWithProgress GenerateAsyncEx()
      • public Task GenerateAsync()
      • public event EventHandler GenerateCompleted
      • public void Export(Export.ExportFilter exportFilter)
      • public IAsyncActionWithProgress ExportAsyncEx(Export.ExportFilter exportFilter)
      • public Task ExportAsync(Export.ExportFilter exportFilter)
      • public event EventHandler ExportCompleted
      • public void Print(C1PrintOptions options)
    • [C1Document] Added C1TextSearchManager class which can be used to search a text with document managed by the C1DocumentSource.
    • Added the set of core controls and elements from the C1.Framework namespace.
    • Added the core classes from C1.Win.C1SuperTooltip namespace.


  • Barcode for WinForms - Fixed the issue where Estonian characters like ÄäÜüÖöß set to the Text property of DataMatrix Barcode cannot be scanned correctly.
  • Chart For WinForms - Fixed the issue where Spline and Bezier curves no longer generate out-of-memory exceptions in some cases with pen width greater than 1.
  • Excel for .NET
    • Fixed the issue where blank cells appear with a black background in the resultant file when an excel file is loaded and saved using C1Excel.
    • Fixed the issue where #VALUE! is shown in the cell with .xls excel file after loading and saving an excel file which has '=SUM((B1,B2))' formula with C1Excel.
  • FlexChart for WinForms
    • Fixed the issue where changing FlexChart's DataSource at run time does is not reflected back in the Chart.
    • Fixed the issue where InvalidOperationException is thrown when number of data points is greater 1999 and DataSource contains null values.
  • FlexGrid for WinForms
    • Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid scrolls to the leftmost on selecting all the cells and sorting the rightmost column.
    • Fixed the issue where changing the DPI caused grid to print inconsistent font size.
    • Fixed the issue where FlexGrid did not accept empty value in unbound mode if DataType of column is not nullable and the original value was changed previously.
    • Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid Highlight style wordwrap causes multi column drop down to display incorrectly.
    • Fixed the issue where the Font property of C1FlexGrid is stored in the form's designer file when a custom style is created for the grid.
    • Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid is not filtered when FilterDefinition is assigned manually.
  • FlexReport for WinForms
    • Fixed the issue where application hangs when XMLLink specified in DataSource.DataProvider and name of table specified as report parameter.
    • Fixed the issue where Image is not getting rendered when the field in the database containing the path of the images are set in the expression of the ImageField.
    • Fixed the issue where TextField with expression Sum(FieldName) is returning incorrect value when placed in Footer.
    • Fixed the issue where fields with FieldBase.Anchor != AnchorEnum.Top split incorrectly between pages in some cases.
    • Fixed the issue where CheckBoxField does nor render correctly when CheckBoxField.CheckMark.Style changed to Standard.
    • Fixed the issue where extra blank first page is added to the report on second call ofC1FlexReport.Render() method in some rare cases .
    • Fixed the issue where text of RtfField or Field with Field.RTF == true rendered incorrectly if it starts with digit.
    • Fixed the issue where "RightToLeft" layout is not effected for Map Field in the FlexReport Designer.
    • Fixed the issue where alid ZoomLevel value is not automatically changed for Map Field when set invalid ZoomLevel value.
    • [FlexReportDesigner App] Fixed the issue where the copy command in the error list window did not work while being enabled. Now it is only enabled if there is a current entry that can be copied.
    • [FlexReportDesigner App] Fixed the issue where an fatal error is thrown when edit the report that has no DataSource by using smart tag panel of C1FlexReport.
    • [FlexReportDesigner App] Fixed the issue where formatting of RTF field cannot be copied to other fields by using format painter
    • [FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where C1FlexViewer prints "square of the number" of copies if the number of copies for printing is set to more than 2.
    • [FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where page was not scrolled on sliding the scroll bar of C1FlexViewer with touch.
    • [FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where text selection grips were shown far away from selection start/end on using touch to select the rotated text.
    • [FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where the margins of the FlexReport kept on decreasing when Page Setup dialog box of FlexViewer is opened and closed repeatedly and Format of the system is set to Germany.
  • GanttView for WinForms
    • Fixed the issue where the SplitTask pop up is not closed by using Escape key.
    • Fixed the issue where the size of indicator of percent complete does not increase while its bar height is increased and then dragging task percent complete icon on chart pane.
    • Fixed the issue where tasks get expanded when right-click on collapsed group header icon.
    • Fixed the issue where 'Task Information' dialog box appears instead of 'Link Information' dialog by clicking some part of predecessor link when setting negative lag (lead).
    • Fixed the issue where the predecessor link with negative lag is cut off in print preview of C1GanttView.
    • Fixed the issue where setting 'Lags (in days)' through the 'Task Information' dialog box does not affect the movement of predecessor task.
    • Fixed the issue where selected units in 'Units' comboBoxes is not selected in dropdown portion and it selects first 'Units' item.
    • Fixed the issue where selected format in 'Format' comboBoxes is not updated according to selected 'Units' in 'Units' ComboBoxes in three 'Tier' Tabs (Top Tier, Bottom Tier, Middle Tier).
    • Fixed the issue where '{0:D} is nonworking' is shown on selecting non-working days in 'Change Working Time' dialog of calendar.
    • Fixed the issue where task is drawn to non-working days in chart pane although valid duration is set that does not exceed non-working day.
    • Fixed the issue where start date or finish date in Task bar does not move on selecting the “Predecessor Type” according to the predecessors and predecessors type.
    • Fixed the issue where Task bar did not move on setting negative lag (Lead) through 'Link Information' dialog box.
    • Fixed the issue where hours with four digits changes to 3 digits on setting duration formats in Project Information dialog box (e.g _mm:ss in Minutes) and then pressing 'F2' key.
    • Fixed the issue where Predecessor task is shown as error on setting 'Lag (in days)' in 'Link Information' dialog box.
    • Fixed the issue where splitted task was distorted and incorrectly shown when change the duration unit.
    • Fixed the issue where duplicate filter name are allowed in Advance Filter and More Filter dialog box.
    • Fixed the issue where column name overlaps and date from calendar view are shown outside of border in exported pdf file.
  • Input for WinForms
    • Breaking change - The C1.Framework namespace has been moved into C1.Win assembly.
    • [C1FontPicker] Fixed the issue where DropDownFormAlign property of C1FontPicker is not observed in the properties.
    • [C1ColorPicker] Fixed the issue where the next color of selected color was not shown in the text area when selecting with arrow key.
    • [C1ColorPicker] Fixed the issue where "InvalidCastException" was thrown when open the dropdown after pressing Delete key and EmptyAsNull property is set to true.
    • Fixed the issue where the white strip is visible in BackColor when the C1TextBox is disabled.
    • Fixed the issue where 'ModifiedChanged' event of C1TextBox is fired two times.
    • Fixed the issue where ValueChanged event is fired although value of C1NumericEdit is not changed.
    • Fixed the issue where DropdownForm of C1DropDownControl is closed when opening the dropdown list of C1SplitButton placed on the dropdown form
    • Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException occurs when C1NumericEdit is used as editor in c1Flexgrid.
    • Fixed the issue where C1TextBox's Modified is false after changing text.
    • Fixed the issue where C1DBNavigator with Command Dock gives error when form closed in designer.
    • Fixed the issue where flickering is seen in C1ComboBox when Shift+Tab is pressed in DropDownList mode, Combo's DropDown appears when Shift key is pressed
  • InputPanel for WinForms
    • Breaking change - The C1.Framework namespace has been moved into C1.Win assembly.
    • Fixed the issue where the GotFocus event of inputComboBox gets fired although the focus is lost by setting the "DropDownStyle=DropDownList".
    • Fixed the issue where the second form is activated on opening the drop down of InputPanel ComboBox after setting the TopMost property to True of the form.
    • Fixed the issue where error dialog box appears on clicking ellipsis button of 'ToolTipText' of c1InputPanel Item.
    • Fixed the issue where two drop-down list is opened at the same time while typing the string when dropdown list of c1InputCombobox is opened.
    • Fixed the issue where DropDown of InputComboBox and InputDatePicker is able to open although "ReadOnly" property is set to true.
    • Fixed the issue where new items are not rendered correctly after adding on C1InputPanel at design time if RightToLeft is set to 'Yes'.
  • List for WinForms - Fixed the issue where '???' is displayed in the DateTime column with the NumberFormat property is set to "Short Date", when the system format is set to 'Finnish' (Finland).
  • PDF for .NET
    • Fixed the issue where hyperlink in the C1PdfDocument does not work when hyperlink is set by HTML href Attribute.
    • Fixed the issue where multiple issues in C1PdfDocument when UseFastTextOut is set to false.
  • Reports for WinForms - Fixed the issue where text of RTF Field (Field.RTF == true) rendered incorrectly if it starts with digit.
  • Ribbon For WinForms
    • Breaking change - The C1.Framework namespace has been moved into C1.Win assembly.
    • Fixed the issue where an item cannot be opened in C1Ribbon when ribbon label refresh every second.
    • Fixed the issue where two tabs are selected on adding new tab from properties grid at design time.
    • Fixed the issue in programmatically selecting a RibbonTab in a RibbonContextualTabGroup.
    • Fixed the issue where a small image applied on a button added in LeftPanelItem of RibbonApplicationMenu is displayed as a larger image.
    • Fixed the issue where two dropdown list are opened after opening the dropdown of ribbonComboBox and typing the string in the text area at the same time on setting "AutoCompleteMode=Suggest".
    • Fixed the issue where adding a C1Ribbon object in the form causes internal error in compiler for Win32 app.
    • Fixed the issue where the current ribbon tab gets unselected when dragging it with the mouse to a new position at design time.
  • Scheduler for WinForms - Breaking change - The C1.Framework namespace has been moved into C1.Win assembly.
  • SplitContainer for WinForms - Breaking change - The C1.Framework namespace has been moved into C1.Win assembly.
  • SuperTooltip for WinForms - Breaking change - ImageCollection class moved to C1.Win assembly.
  • TreeView for WinForms
    • Breaking change - The C1.Framework namespace has been moved into C1.Win assembly.
    • Fixed the issue where Remove button did not work in TreeNode Editor.
    • Fixed the issue where style of column does not apply in design time.
    • Fixed the issue where indicating lines between nodes were shown in second column when first column is hidden by resizing.
    • Fixed the issue where TreeNode Editor dialog gets immediately closed by double clicking TreeNodes in TreeNodeEditor.
    • Fixed the issue where Expand/Collapse icon gets changed without changing expand state of node when e.Cancel is set true in both of Collapsing and Expanding events.
    • Fixed the issue where the NullReferenceException is thrown while pressing 'Shift' key and selecting the node by mouse simultaneously.
    • Fixed the issue where the node does not expand when the mouse hover on it and other node is dragged.
    • Fixed the issue where the NullReferenceException is thrown after editing node when data source is self-referencing.
    • Added support RTL to ScrollablePanel when the ContentElement sets the offsets in the GetScrollOrigin method.
    • Fixed the issue where indicating lines between nodes do not disappear when first column isn't visible.
    • Fixed the issue where check box of C1TreeNode displays incorrectly when CheckState has Indeterminate state.
    • Fixed the issue where TreeView columns wasn't able to resize when RightToLeft = Yes.
    • Fixed the issue where Node's height did not update after WrodWrap property changed to false.
    • Fixed the issue where C1TreeView node did not support serialize Images property in design time.
    • Fixed the issue where 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error is occurred when adding new column at design time.
  • True DBGrid for WinForms
    • Fixed the issue where Filter does not get clear whenFilterText property is set in code and Clear button in FilterDropDown is clicked at runtime.
    • Fixed the issue where filter applied on the columns are ignored when the filter on the first column is applied again.
    • Fixed the issue where '???' is displayed in the DateTime column with the NumberFormat property is set to "Short Date", when the system format is set to 'Finnish' (Finland).
    • Fixed the issue where EditorStyle did not work when MarqueeStyle is set to FloatingEditor.
    • Fixed the issue where Filter editor looses focus when long string is entered and columns has AutoComplite set to true.
    • Fixed the issue where BackColor for Caption style does not work.
    • Fixed the issue where Text of the grouped row was displayed in the next column when the column displaying group text is resized.
    • Fixed the issue where Filterbar lost focus when key pressed in grouped C1TrueDBGrid.
    • Fixed the issue where GDI+ exception is thrown when a very long string is displayed in the grid.
    • Fixed the issue where C1TrueDBGrid drew the Arabic digits incorrectly.
    • Fixed the issue where C1TrueDBGrid aligned properly incorrectly when set RightToLeft.
    • Fixed the issue where condition filter parameters were not retained when the FilterDefinition is saved and loaded again.
    • Fixed the issue where after saving the exported csv file using MS Excel it's comma delimiters gets converted to tab delimeters.
    • Fixed the issue where BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate events fired twice when there is a master detail relation between two grids and a new record is entered.
    • Fixed the issue where BeforeColUpdate event fired twice before the cell is updated.
    • Fixed the issue where a last character of column header was cut off in some cases.
    • Fixed the issue where the HorizontalAlignment property did not work for HeadingStyle when DataView of TrueDBGrid is set to DataViewEnum.Form.
    • Fixed the issue where the method ColContaining did not return the exact column index when there are multiple splits available in the grid.
  • Word for WinForms
    • Fixed the issue where table borders are not shown and text are overlapped on saving the C1Word with DOCX format.
    • Fixed the issue where image icon jumps to a new line in table on saving document with DOCX format.
    • Fixed the issue where Table.BackwardDiagonal and Table.ForwardDiagonal borders are not shown on saving the document with RTF Format.
    • Fixed the issue where styles in the rtf file are not effected on loading the rtf file to C1Editor.
    • Fixed the issue where text alignment of original document is not retained in new document.
    • Fixed the issue where backfilling color changes in output .rtf and not effected in output .docx file when load/save the MS Word Document to C1Word.
    • Fixed the issue where font size of MS word file is not retained when load and save in C1WordDocument.
    • Fixed the issue where System.FormatException is thrown when load the DOCX file contained bookmark and save it in another document.
    • Fixed the issue where page break does not come into effect in C1WordDocument on loading and saving the MS word file containing page break into C1WordDocument.
    • Fixed the issue where position of footer text are different in RTF and DOCX files.
    • Fixed the issue where text behind the tab character "\t" are disappeared in output RTF file.
    • Fixed the issue where background filling color of main section in the C1WordDocument is not effective in output RTF and DOCX files.
    • Fixed the issue where WidthPercent of Table row is not effected in word document with DOCX format.
    • Fixed the issue where Font color of "RTF Field" is not effected in exported DOCX and RTF files.
  • Other Breaking Changes - [C1Document] HtmlFilterBase: default value of SingleFile property changed to true.
  • Other Bug Fixes
    • [C1Command]Fixed the issue where project appears behind the opened file after clicking EditCommandLink / EditCommandProperties / ChangeLinkedCommand from floating toolbar of C1MainMenu at design time
    • [C1Command] Fixed the issue where the context menu of C1MainMenu appears different on right-clicking the same.
    • [C1Command] Fixed the issue where DockingStyle of C1CommandDock is disabled on docking one c1dockingTabpage to another c1dockingTabpage after setting 'Dock' property is set to 'Fill'.
    • [C1Command] Fixed the issue where DockingTab is not able to dock to another docking by using DockingStyle when two dockingTab is placed in one CommandDock.
    • [C1Command] Fixed the issue where C1Docking TabPage does not fill the complete space as that of C1CommondDock.
    • [C1Command] Fixed the issue where Height of C1DockingTab is not retained at run time although height of C1DockingTab is changed at design time.
    • [C1Command] Fixed the issue where NullReference exception is shown after clicking the autoHide button when C1MainMenu is contained in Application Form.
    • [C1Command] Fixed the issue where C1TopicBar link is displayed incorrectly on setting Align property of page to 'Center'.
    • [C1Command] Fixed the issue where DockingTabs does not collapse to a single row.
    • [C1Command] Fixed the issue where Ellipsis is not being displayed correctly on C1DockingTabPage Caption when there are many tabs.
    • [C1Command] Fixed the issue where Size of DockingTab in c1CommandDock is changed by resizing c1DockingTab from different c1CommandDock.
    • [C1Document] Fixed the issue where text is corrupt in some places on exporting report to PDF.
    • [C1Document] Fixed the issue where borders of Ellipse, Arc, and Pie are shown as rectangle box in exported PDF file when SweepAngle of shapes is set to 360.
    • [C1Document] Partly fixed the issue where rotated text applied by "TextAngle" are not rotated when export to RTF/Word/Excel files.
    • [C1Document] Fixed the issue where font color of "RTF Field" is not affected in exported Docx and RTF files.
    • [C1Document] Fixed the issue where font type and size of RTF field are not retained in exported Docx and RTF files.
    • [C1Document] Fixed the issue where page size and Orientation of the report changes when exported to excel.
    • [C1Document] Fixed the issue where "File Format and extension does not match" error is shown when export the excel file with "Open XML document" option.
    • [C1Document] "Open XML document" option is now removed from Excel and RTF/Word option forms.
    • [C1Document] Fixed the issue where the description of CornerRadius and some shape related properties are not shown in properties of grid of C1FlexReportDesigner.
    • Fixed the issue where width of GridPanel cell is set incorrectly in some cases when AutoWidth is set to True.