Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition 7.2.1
Released: Aug 30, 2024
Updates in 7.2.1
- The macro button is missing after processing template file.
- The XValues of chart are incorrect in the exported PDF file.
- The static cell did not expand with the adjacent cell.
- Performance issue on calling ToJson method.
- The value and reference range of defined name become "#REF!" after processing template.
- "_Report_0" is added to the end of the shape name after processing template.
- There is a null fallback FontFamily in the exported HTML file.
- Exception is thrown on setting formula of Calculated Fields in Switzerland culture locale.
- There is a memory leak when using the ResultSet data source.
- After setting TimeSpan to cell value, the number format changes.
- The formula in table is lost after binding data.
- Exception is thrown on printing to printer using the PrintOut method.
- Exception is thrown on copying sheet to another workbook when sheet contains column header.
- The hidden rows are revealed when calling ITable.ConvertToRange method.
- Exception is thrown on exporting to Excel file when workbook contains invalid threaded comment.
- The Japanese currency symbol is not recognized correctly.
- The formula is lost after data binding.
- The image is lost in the exported PDF file when image function contains special content.
- The row height is lost after processing template.
- Performance issue on adding lots of hyperlinks.
- The cell value cannot be set correctly after setting default value.
- Some resources are incorrect in the Deutsch(German) culture in the exported Excel file.
- The column width is lost after processing template twice.