dotUltimate 2022.3.x

Released: Dec 7, 2022

Updates in 2022.3.x


Updated Mar 22, 2023



  • Resolved the issue that caused the screen to flicker in full-screen mode on macOS Ventura.
  • The IDE no longer displays empty popups on macOS Ventura.


  • Resolved the issue preventing ReSharper from being installed in Visual Studio versions 11, 12, or 14 when no other versions of Visual Studio are installed on the computer.


Updated Jan 27, 2023



  • Performance - Searching in the Search Everywhere popup shouldn’t be slow anymore.
  • Code editor - The Undo action works as expected in files with language injections.
  • Web development:
    • Hot reload now applies layout changes in ASP.NET Core MVC applications on Apple macOS.
    • You can now again build a web application that uses a legacy project style from the classic Microsoft .NET Framework with the embedded MSBuild.
  • Unreal Engine support - The upcoming changes in UnrealHeaderTool and Blueprints from Unreal Engine 5.2 are now supported.
  • Debugger - The Options and Hide buttons now stay on the Debug window’s toolbar after you disable the new UI.


  • You can now more precisely adjust which Microsoft Visual Studio features to disable in the editor, like squiggles or health indicators.



  • Web development - Fixed the crash in ASP.NET Core projects.
  • Unreal Engine support - Fixed several issues that caused excessive memory usage in C++ solutions - Unreal Engine projects in particular.
  • C# support - Fixed the false-positive errors for BigInteger operators in .NET 7.
  • F# support  - The #r “nuget: PackageName” directive in F# script files is being resolved correctly again.


  • Fixed the false-positive errors for BigInteger operators in .NET 7.
  • Fixed the crash in ASP.NET Core projects.

dotCover and dotTrace

  • Tracing, sampling, and line-by-line profiling modes now work as expected even when there is a usage of a LibraryImport attribute in the system or user’s code.


  • Fixed the importing of memory dumps collected for a .NET 7 process.

Dynamic Program Analysis

  • Added a fix for the analysis of database SQL events.


Updated Dec 21, 2022



  • Fixed a major performance issue with the Grazie/Hunspell plugin taking up an extraordinary CPU load.
  • Fixed a critical error in our post-installation dialogue on Windows ARM64.
  • Restored the broken SDK that prevented users from building plugins targeting Rider 2022.3.
  • Fixed an error where users could not run published projects on Linux ARM64.
  • Fixed an issue preventing solutions that use Central Package Management and VersionOverride from being built.
  • Fixed an error causing the IDE to display Unicode escape sequences instead of invalid characters in high-level C# identifiers in ILViewer.
  • Fixed an issue interfering with code cleanup.
  • Fixed an error preventing building a project to Docker with a debugger attached.
  • Fixed how the list of .ignore items is displayed in the Add context menu.
  • Fixed an error causing the debug session to crash after a user accesses the database context.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the debugger from hitting breakpoints in macOS projects.
  • Fixed an error causing the debugger to crash during step over / step out.
  • Fixed the issue preventing Rider from reopening solutions on startup.


  • Fixed an issue with the screen blinking while typing before and after hints appear.
  • Fixed a bug causing a false positive error when using C# 11 generic math.
  • Fixed an error causing ReSharper to display Unicode escape sequences instead of invalid characters in high-level C# identifiers in ILViewer.
  • Fixed an error causing tests to disappear from a unit test session when grouping by duration and category.
  • Restored XAML settings under Settings | Editor | Inspection Settings | Inspection Severity.
  • Fixed ReSharper’s failure to load non-localized template macros from plugins.


Updated Dec 7, 2022



  • Adds support for the .NET 7 SDK, including the latest features from C# 11.
  • This version boasts significant performance improvements, with a particular focus on startup time and the ability to run Rider on WSL 2 (Microsoft Windows Subsystem for Linux 2) through remote development.
  • Introduced several significant UX/UI changes, such as the ability to dock tool windows for multi-monitor setups.
  • This release deepens integration with Unity and Unreal editors.


  • Introduces basic support for the latest C# 11 features, including UTF-8 literals, file-local types, static virtual members, pattern matching over spans, and others.
  • Reworked code highlighting, introduced vulnerable dependency detection for NuGet packages, and enabled importing and exporting type and project dependency diagrams in the GraphML format.
  • This version also comes with early support for Microsoft Visual Studio running on ARM64.

ReSharper C++

  • Experimental support for C++20 modules.
  • Now provides seamless integration with clang-format.
  • For Unreal Engine projects, this release brings new Blueprint-specific inlay hints and improves the Rename refactoring by adding Core Redirects.


  • Support for Microsoft Windows ARM64 - You can now use dotCover on ARM64 CPUs on Microsoft Windows. This applies to all versions: dotCover standalone, dotCover in Rider, dotCover in Microsoft Visual Studio, and the dotCover console runner.
  • Support for Linux ARM32 - You can now use the dotCover console runner on ARM32 CPUs on Linux. The supported frameworks are Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0–6.0.
  • Easier navigation to tests in JetBrains Rider - Added the Show Covering Tests action to the dotCover context menus in both the code editor and Unit Test Coverage window. This action shows a popup with all covering tests together in the same place. The popup also lets you create a new coverage session.
  • Faster shadow copying - dotCover now only copies the assemblies and symbol files required for continuous testing in both Visual Studio and JetBrains Rider. This improves dotCover’s overall performance, especially on large projects, as it no longer needs to copy the entire working directory. If necessary, you can adjust the shadow-copy file filter in the dotCover settings.
  • Improved Unity support in JetBrains Rider - Previously, to analyze the coverage of Unity tests you had to restart Unity with coverage support enabled. Beginning with this release, restarting Unity is no longer required and test coverage is supported out of the box.


  • Support for Windows ARM64 - You can now use dotMemory on ARM64 CPUs on Windows. This applies to all versions: dotMemory standalone, dotMemory in Rider, dotMemory in Visual Studio, and the dotMemory command-line tool.
  • Support for Linux ARM32 - You can now run the dotMemory command-line profiler on ARM32 CPUs on Linux. The supported frameworks are .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0–6.0.
  • dotMemory in JetBrains Rider - In addition to Windows, dotMemory is now available for JetBrains Rider on Linux and Apple macOS.
    • Two new profiling modes are available in the Run widget and in the Run | Switch profiler configuration menu – Memory (sampled allocations) and Memory (full allocations).
    • You can attach the profiler to a running process from the Run menu and watch the Timeline Graph unroll in real time. It lets you analyze allocated objects and the allocation call tree for a specific time frame. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to collect memory snapshots in this version.
  • Improvements in the dotMemory command-line profiler - The command-line profiler now has the --saving-mode argument, which lets you set conditions for when to save a dotMemory workspace.


  • More C# languages features - This release comes with support for:
    • static abstract and static virtual members in interfaces.
    • Generic attributes.
    • User-defined checked operators.
    • Unsigned right shift operator.


  • Support for Windows ARM64 - You can now use dotTrace on ARM64 CPUs on Windows. This applies to all versions: dotTrace standalone, dotTrace in Rider, dotTrace in Visual Studio, and the dotTrace command-line tool.
  • Support for Linux ARM32 - You can now run the dotTrace command-line profiler on ARM32 CPUs on Linux. The supported frameworks are .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0–6.0. Note that the timeline profiling type is supported only for .NET 6.0 applications.
  • Discarding the Performance Viewer - Before this release, sampling, tracing, and line-by-line performance snapshots had to be opened in the legacy Performance Viewer, while timeline snapshots were opened in the more modern Timeline Viewer. Now the Performance Viewer is getting removed in favor of the dotTrace Viewer (formerly the Timeline Viewer). dotTrace will use it to open snapshots of all types. However, you may continue to use the discontinued Performance Viewer if you’d like.
  • Improvements in snapshot analysis - As the dotTrace Viewer now opens snapshots of all types, you can use all of its powerful features when comparing performance snapshots:
    • The new “comparison as a filter” concept makes it easier to compare sampling, tracing, and line-by-line snapshots.
    • You can now filter subsystems in sampling, tracing, and line-by-line snapshots.
    • The dotTrace Viewer now has a Plain List view. It’s available for sampling, tracing, and line-by-line snapshots, and also for timeline snapshots.