Comprehensive DICOM Data Set support for any application.
Display DICOM studies and series in one powerful viewer.
Quickly develop PACS solutions for desktop, server and web.
Image processing designed and optimized for medical images.
Provide advanced collaboration tools with DICOM Annotations.
Extend the viewer with 3D volume rendering & reconstruction.
Create, parse, decode, send and receive HL7 messages.
DICOM (Medical) ImagingIn medical environments, DICOM Standards facilitate interoperability of medical imaging systems, related images, and related information. They define protocols for exchanging digital information between medical imaging equipment (such as CT and MR scanners) and other systems, with strong emphasis on diagnostic medical imaging as practiced in radiology, cardiology and related disciplines.
DICOM Communications LEADTOOLS DICOM Communications provides complete support for DICOM Communications, including all Service Classes (Verification, Storage, Query/Retrieve, Patient Management, etc.), and contains high-level communications functions simplifying the creation of DICOM client/server applications. Communications Features include:
• Support for TCP/IP multiple clients and multiple servers, working in Asynchronous or Synchronous mode.
• High-level functions for initiating and terminating Associations (connections between DICOM applications), automating the process of filling out PDU structures (Protocol Data Units).
• Automatic and transparent conversion of DICOM Data Sets to/from the specific Transfer Syntax required by the associated Application Entities (the connected DICOM client(s) and server(s)).
• High-level functions that automate sending DICOM Request and Response Command Sets (Services), greatly simplifying the process of coding application communications and much more.
DICOM SERVERLEADTOOLS provides extensive support for the DICOM Communication Protocol. This specifies requirements for transferring DICOM data and messages across an associated network connection. Create/Manage/Destroy DICOM Network connections (secure or un-secure), send DICOM messages, receive DICOM messages, create an Application Entity (AE) that serves as either the Service Class Provider (SCP), Services Class User (SCU) or both.
Medical Image Viewer ControlLEADTOOLS Medical Imaging includes a medical image display container with built-in tools normally present in a radiology image viewer, to dramatically reduce development time. The Medical Image Viewer provides support for displaying one or more images and for the real-time manipulation of one or more images.
Complete DICOM SupportLEADTOOS provides complete support for industry-standard medical imaging protocols, giving programmers access to medical images retrieved from the widest possible variety of digital imaging modalities.
PACS FrameworkThe PACS Framework is a framework for easily creating DICOM-based servers. The framework consists of a Windows Service (Leadtools.Dicom.Service.exe) that implements a user-defined DICOM service. The Windows Service provides the following features: Handles DICOM connections, Handles DICOM association negotiation, Supports DICOM Message addins that allow user-supplied addins to respond to DICOM messages.