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Internet Control Message Protocol Library C++ Wrapper. An object of a class derived from the Internet Control Message Protocol library C++ wrapper sends ICMP echo datagrams to a remote host to determine if that host is reachable over the network. An object of this class corresponds to a Ping client/server session.
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File Transfer Protocol Library C++ Wrappers, An object of a class derived from the FTP library C++ wrapper allows the developer to connect to a remote server and perform file and directory maintenance functions. An object of this class corresponds to a FTP client/server session. In addition to copying files between the local and remote host, the control can be used to list the files on the remote system, remove and rename files, create and remove direct
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Hypertext Transfer Protocol Library C++ Wrapper. An object of a class derived from the Hypertext Transfer Protocol library C++ wrapper can be used to download documents, images, audio samples and other resources from a web server, as well as post data to the server for processing. An object of this class corresponds to a HTTP client/server session.
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nternet Control Message Protocol Library C++ Wrapper. An object of a class derived from the Internet Control Message Protocol library C++ wrapper sends ICMP echo datagrams to a remote host to determine if that host is reachable over the network. An object of this class corresponds to a Ping client/server session.
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Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Library C++ Wrapper. An object of a class derived from the SMTP client library C++ wrapper enables an application to send electronic mail to a remote host. An object of this class corresponds to a SMTP client/server session.
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Telnet Protocol Library C++ Wrapper. An object of a class derived from the Telnet library C++ wrapper enables an application to establish a network connection with a remote host and interact with the host through a virtual terminal. An object of this class corresponds to a Telnet client/server session.