TeamCity 2021.2.x

Released: Oct 25, 2021

Updates in 2021.2.x


Updated Feb 16, 2022


  • Add compatibility with BitBucket's checks for merging pull requests.


  • Changes from unknown VCS users are not shown among avatars.
  • Insecure Tomcat connector attributes: missing secure attributes.
  • Jacoco report service message with reportDir parameter does not generate report.
  • Suite name does not appear in the tests report sometimes.
  • Build with two VCS roots fails with "Builds in default branch are disabled in build configuration" even though one VCS root has a desired branch.
  • Pull Requests build feature uses wrong state parameter when querying for open merge requests.
  • Python (pytest) Runner incorrectly escapes coverage arguments preventing multiple arguments.
  • Empty changes list on click to avatar for users with "+" character.
  • IntelliJ 2021.3 cannot be uploaded as a tool in TeamCity: "Package is invalid".
  • Secondary node cannot update of the projects model in case when some project was removed by the main node.
  • jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2018_2.BuildSteps#dockerBuild should be marked as deprecated.
  • No error on attempt to save avatar on a secondary node without "Processing user requests to modify data" permission.
  • Missing build step metric names in Build -> Parameters -> Reported statistic values.
  • S3 artifact storage is no longer working correctly after upgrade from TeamCity 2021.1.4 to 2021.2.1.
  • "Detached from agent" label is cropped in the classic UI.
  • Secondary node does not start if there are unfinished configuration persisting tasks created by it.
  • Should not add comments for Perforce Helix Swarm about personal builds not related to shelved changelists.
  • Info about snapshot dependencies in classic UI is broken.
  • Listener error when using TestNg 7.5.
  • Buttons "Upload new image" and "Delete" are available in other accounts for administrators without "Modify user profile and roles" permission.
  • Agent checkout may fail after force push with git 2.34+.
  • Wrong PR number in teamcity.pullRequest.number parameter.
  • Account lockout when using ticket value in VCS Root with Perforce and active directory domain integrated authentication.
  • Docker run does not work in teamcity-agent docker images.
  • Xcode Project Runner does not work with Xcode 13.2.x.
  • "Error while applying patch" after changing Checkout policy in a Git VCS root.
  • Changing build problems count can be confusing (switch between "root cause problems" / "own problems").
  • When creating or editing a VCS root using a connection button, a user must press it twice.
  • Python runner. Absolute path to Python script does not work.
  • Dependency parameters are displayed as missing yet they have defined values.
  • Agent cannot checkout source code from GitHub (You're using an RSA key with SHA-1, which is no longer allowed).
  • Validate login/password for the max length.
  • SecurityException on a secondary (read-only) node (update failed_tests table).
  • Slow VCS root instances calculation because of inefficient code in DefaultToolVersionsImpl.
  • Slow processing VCS trigger with enabled quiet period.
  • Every request from a logged in user checks existence of an avatar on disk.
  • Slow loading of a large project configuration files probably because of ProjectsLoader.preprocessIds performing unnecessary file operations (network file system).
  • Drop unused packages from the log4j1.12 library.
  • Update in Commit Status Publisher to reflect that it is built by Gradle.
  • Return all possible commit authors if two users have the same vcsUsername.


Updated Jan 11, 2022


  • New .NET versions are now bundled with TeamCity Agent Docker images:
    • Microsoft .NET Core SDK 6.0.100.
    • Microsoft .NET Core Runtime 3.1.21 and 5.0.12.


  • Fixed a recent issue with showing multiple parametrized .NET tests as one test with multiple runs. Now, TeamCity counts them separately and displays the parameters’ values for each test in the Tests tab, as intended.


Updated Nov 29, 2021


  • Two-factor authentication (2FA) improvements:
    • There is no longer a need to disable 2FA to remotely run and debug TeamCity builds from Microsoft Visual Studio or Eclipse. You can now use basic token-based authentication, similarly to how it’s done without 2FA.
    • The point above is also relevant for accessing a TeamCity NuGet feed: if 2FA is enabled for your account, you can pass an access token to authenticate in the TeamCity feed and browse its packages from the command line or IDEs.
  • Added button which allows you to copy branch names.


  • Fixed behavior when users weren’t able to sign in to TeamCity due to the time difference between the TeamCity server and a 2FA authenticator’s device.
  • Regression fixes for 2021.2 version of the .NET build runner.


Updated Oct 25, 2021


  • More ways to be secure - TeamCity administrators can now enable two-factor authentication and require users to enter an additional authentication code to log in.
  • Perforce integration, taken further
    • Running builds on shelved changelists - The Run custom build feature now allows you to run personal builds with changes from a shelved changelist in Perforce. You can trigger a whole build chain on such a changelist and see the list of shelved files inside the TeamCity UI.
    • Perforce Shelve Trigger - Added the new Perforce Shelve Trigger, which detects new and modified shelved changelists whose descriptions contain a given keyword and triggers personal builds on them.
    • Perforce Helix Swarm  - Extended the Commit Status Publisher build feature by adding the new Perforce Swarm publisher. When the publisher is configured, TeamCity will send the information about builds to the Perforce Helix Swarm server, and the respective comments will be added to Swarm reviews on shelved changelists.
    • Automatic labels - The VCS labeling build feature now creates automatic labels in the Helix server. These labels work as aliases for changelist numbers. Compared to the static labels that were used in previous versions of TeamCity, these give you a significant boost in performance.
    • Parameterized connection variables - Perforce connection parameters are now passed to TeamCity as build parameters, allowing you to distinguish between different Perforce VCS roots when a project uses multiple Perforce connections.
  • JetBrains Space integration
    • Authentication - Added the new JetBrains Space authentication module, which allows you to log in using your Space account, just like you can log in with GitHub or GitLab.
    • VCS roots, projects, and build configurations - Previously, a configured connection with Space only allowed you to access its repositories and publish the status of your builds. The new version of TeamCity also allows you to add VCS roots, create projects, and create build configurations – all you need to do is add the necessary access rights on the Space side.
  • Authenticating via Microsoft Azure DevOps - Added the new Azure DevOps OAuth 2.0 authentication module, which allows you to log in to TeamCity with an Azure AD account.
  • Simplifying CI/CD for C# developers - Added a new C# Script build runner, which gives you an easy way to write build steps in a real programming language. The new build runner is cross-platform, works on any system with Docker and comes with built-in support for NuGet.
  • More ways to set up continuous integration with the Kotlin DSL - Added the ability to configure elements of your pipelines that were previously not covered by the Kotlin DSL, such as issue trackers, custom charts, or shared resources.
  • Sakura UI - Added two views from the classic UI that were absent in the Sakura UI: Pending Changes and Change Details. Usernames now display avatars next to them, so you can identify the authors of commits more easily. This was added to both the Sakura UI and the classic UI.