TeeGrid for .NET
Lightweight and full featured data grid control.
Published by Steema Software
Distributed by ComponentSource since 1998
Prices from: $ 136.22 Version: 2023 Updated: Jan 23, 2023
The Grid control offers master-detail data presentation. Any selected row in the master grid can be expanded to display its detail rows. Detail rows can be displayed in hierarchical data grid.
TeeGrid offers many features to manage the rows and columns sizing, formatting and more to your grid tables;
TeeGrid is fully compatible with Visual Studio NET offering you the means to take common core code for grids on Windows, Android and iOS/macOS. TeeGrid ships with some default themes to optionally custom match to each environment.
The TeeGrid "Ticker" is a small component to automatically refresh grid cells when values are updated. Options include FadeColors, Delay, Higher.Color, Lower.Color and RefreshSpeed.