Xceed DataGrid for WPF Releases

Released: Mar 4, 2024

Updates in V7.2 (Build: 7.2.24152.254)


  • The StatCell class now has a new property called DefaultCulture to fallback on when formatting a statistical result.


  • The .NET Core version of this component is no longer supported.
  • ThemeWizard is no longer supported.
  • DataGrid for WPF will now load the user settings properly when the project contains dynamically added elements.
  • The MergedHeaders sample for VB.NET has been fixed so that the data contained in the Cells is now displayed correctly.
  • The persist settings have been fixed...

Released: Oct 25, 2023

Updates in V7.2 (Build: 7.2.23519.0)


  • The look of the scrollbars in the MaterialDesign theme has been improved.


  • Fixed a performance degradation that was introduced by a fix made in version 7.1.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Cells that were targeting DataGridUnboundItemProperty to get refreshed when the RefreshUnboundItemProperties function was invoked.
  • Setting SynchronizeSelectionWithCurrent will no longer set the wrong index for the selected item.

Released: Apr 3, 2023

Updates in V7.2


  • Improved support for complex filtering patterns - You can now provide multiple distinct values, per data item property, and filter accordingly.


  • In the MaterialDesign theme pack, the TreeGridflowView class no longer has a column alignment problem.
  • An exception is no longer raised when loading the "persist" settings with a CollectionView other than the DataGridCollectionView.

Released: Oct 5, 2022

Updates in V7.1


  • Added support for the Microsoft .NET 5 Framework.
  • Added two new themes - Material Design and Fluent Design.
  • The DataGridControl’s SelectedItems collection has been improved to offer better performance when verifying the presence of an item via the Contains method.
  • DataGridControl:
    • Added a new property, called AllowUIAutomation, which now allows you to enable or disable UI Automation support.
  • ColumnFilterControl:
    • The column filter popup can now be closed with the Esc key.


  • The...

Released: Jan 25, 2021

Updates in V7.0 (Build: 7.0.20211.01251)


  • ResourceCenter:
    • The links to the online documentation have been updated.


  • Fixed an exception that occurred when using the SearchManager in a grid that contained Unbound Columns.
  • Fixed an exception that occurred when trying to save or load the persist settings with a collection view other than a DataGridCollectionView.
  • Fixed the error message for the obsolete event AddingNewDataItem.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the SelectedItemsSource to sometimes no longer contain the selected items...

Released: Jan 30, 2020

Updates in V7.0


  • Now supports .NET Core 3 platform.
  • A new HeadersFootersEditorControl is now available, which gives the user the ability to modify the headers and footers in the DataGrid.
  • A new HeadersFooters flag is now available, which can be used to persist the modifications.
  • In the StatsEditorControl, the new ItemContainerStyle property allows the user to customize the look of the items in the list.
  • The StatsEditorControl can now be closed by pressing the Escape key.
  • The StatsEditorControl can now...

Released: Jan 30, 2019

Updates in V6.7


  • New StatsEditorControl gives the user the ability to modify statistics displayed in StatRows.


  • The NumericTextBox now correctly sets the value to match the text entered by the end user when using IME composition (for instance when typing in Chinese Simplified).
  • Fixed how the MergedColumn.ChildColumnNames handles single and double quotes.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented grouping for virtualized data sources where a group name was null.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented values assigned to...

Released: Jun 18, 2018

Updates in V6.6


  • Adds new advanced filtering functionality. Auto filtering now allows end-users to set complex filters instead of only selecting distinct filter values, just like Excel.
  • Improved MVVM support for the following classes: Column, UnboundColumn, MergedColumn, MergedHeader and DetailConfiguration.


  • An InvalidOperationException originating from System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.GetChildren() is no longer thrown when UIAutomation is activated (for example, via a touch device...

Released: Apr 12, 2018

Updates in V6.5.1


  • Fixed issue with the display of null values in conjunction with a bug in the .NET Framework. This bug can result in a cell displaying an invalid value instead of a blank (null) value, for instance when scrolling or when receiving an update from the data source.

Released: Jan 15, 2018

Updates in V6.5


  • Allows virtualized data to be exported to Microsoft Excel or CSV, to be pasted to the clipboard, to be printed, and to be sent to print preview.
  • Improved performance of print preview.


  • A NullReferenceException is no longer thrown by the TextBlockLite control.
  • Printing with column stretching now correctly prints columns on the expected page.
  • A MergedColumn located just before the fixed column splitter can now be correctly hidden when using the column chooser.
  • The filter row’s glyph...