Xceed DataGrid for WPF V5.6 released

Released: Jun 23, 2015

Updates in this release

Updates in V5.6

  • The Metro theme is now supported in classic table view.
  • Data of cells containing a new line are now correctly displayed when exported to Excel.
  • Printing or exporting to an XPS file in the presence of more than one level of MergedHeadrs no longer throws an exception.
  • The OnReceiveWeakEvent virtual method has been added on classes that implement the IWeakEventListener interface so that derived classes can override the handling of a WeakEventManager event.
  • A NullReferenceException is no longer thrown when clearing the MergedHeaders collection.
  • Cells added within a template of a Row in CardView are now correctly layouted when dynamically changing the template at runtime.
  • Containers like a GroupHeaderControl that becomes unrecyclable are now correctly disposed of.
  • Group header containers of group levels which are constantly adding new groups and removing old groups are now recycled rather than destroyed and recreated.
  • The date format of the "Today" button is now the same as the ComboBox format for the DatePicker control.
  • A NullRefException is no longer thrown when a grouped DataGrid that contains an expanded detail is brought back into view.
  • A DataGridInternalException is no longer thrown when a detail item is added under a master item which sort position has changed while the DataGrid is in a DeferRefresh.
  • A cell can now be edited after sorting and grouping/ungrouping the DataGrid while groups are sorted based on StatFunctions.
  • A DataGridInternalException is no longer thrown when a master item is resorted while its detail grid is open.
  • An ArgumentOutOfRangeException is no longer thrown in UI Automation when the data source is virtualized and selection changes.
  • Cells are no longer initialized through UI Automation when the parent row is not ready.
  • A PropertyChanged event is now correctly raised when the FieldName property changes on Cell.
  • Sticky group headers and footers in TableflowView now work correctly.
  • Failing to load default resources no longer throws exceptions that prevents the DataGrid from loading.