Aspose.PDF for Java Releases
Released: Sep 30, 2019
Updates in V19.9
- Add image stamps as a background in PDF Floating Boxes.
- Added support for begin, end and qedhere Latex tags.
- Improves performance of HTML to PDF conversion.
Released: Aug 29, 2019
Updates in V19.8
- Added the ability to render all contents to a single page.
- PDF/UA: Added table support in tagged PDFs.
- Improved HTML rendering with SVG.
Released: Jul 31, 2019
Updates in V19.7
- PDF to HTML consumes much time.
- PDF to Excel: Recognize text in superscript.
- Exception replacing text.
- Aspose PDF adding white-space.
- PDF to PDF/A - compliance failure: Form field has multiple appearances.
- PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not compliant.
- PDF to HTML:output HTML is approx 14 times larger than source PDF.
- Stamping performance issue.
Released: May 31, 2019
Updates in V19.5
- Aspose.PDF for Java is now FIPS 186-4 compliant.
- The imported HTML content isn't properly wrapped in PDF output.
- Multiline parsing of PDF through TextFragmentAbsorber with regex not working.
- API is taking long time to convert HTML into PDF when images are from external URL.
- License is not working in Azure VM.
- An issue with Aspose PDF when running inside a web container.
- PDF to PPTX - Different images in the document gets merged into a single image in the output file.
- Exception...
Released: Apr 30, 2019
Updates in V19.4
- Use Latex scripts to add mathematical expressions/formulas to table cells.
- Title of Annotation gets renamed after concatenation.
- Text is incorrectly being extracted.
- Removing last outline in OutlineCollection throws Invalid index exception.
Released: Mar 29, 2019
Updates in V19.3
- Added new field to the ScreenAnnotation class that provides access to the annotation resource.
Released: Dec 30, 2018
Updates in V18.12
- Added JDK 10 and 11 compatibility.
- NullPointerException while extracting text.
- BadPaddingException while setting a license.
- PCL to PDF - Resultant file is not correct.
- The bold style configuration for some fonts isn't accepted.
- java.lang.ClassCastException while saving PDF.
Released: Sep 27, 2018
Updates in V18.9
- Added PDF/UA (PDF/Universal Accessibility) support.
- Input PDF - an incorrect sequence of the retrieved paragraphs.
- PDF to XPS - the redaction and additional blank pages are being added.
- The conversion PDF to PDFA_1A hangs.
- The method RedactExactArea throws an exception.
- PDF file is not properly being converted to PDF/A_1a format.
- PDF replace text process shows an argument out of range error.
- An exception raises while flattening the document.
- PDF to TIFF creates empty file.
- PDF to...
Released: Sep 2, 2018
Updates in V18.8
- Added support for setting locales.
- PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not compliant.
- JPEG to PDF - Inserted image is invisible.
- Text overlaps after replace operation.
- Can't configure using of another default font until application will not be rerun.
- FontRepository findFont throws "String index out of range" exception.
- After conversion PDF-to-PDFA the output contains corrupted diagram.
- JPEG to PDF: Error after opening PDF and inserted image is invisible.
Released: Jul 30, 2018
Updates in V18.7
- PDF to HTML: Save HTML files without fonts
- Multi-byte characters not displayed in PDF.
- PDF to Image - Out of memory exception.
- PDF to HTML - Local links are not preserved.
- NullPointerException during PDF to PDF/A.
- Yellow background not same after converting PDF to PDF/A.
- PDF to Excel - Incorrect output.
- API is unable to extract table data using TableAbsorber Class.
- PDF to PDFA3b: Converting PDF, generated from Aspose.Cells, to PDFA2b or PDFA3b fails the compliance (Linux).