Aspose.PDF for Java Releases
Released: Aug 31, 2017
Updates in V17.8
- DropDown value is cropped when form is flatten.
- DropDown value is rendered incorrectly.
- One text line is misplaced after PDF-to-HTML conversion.
- Epub to PDF: java.awt.HeadlessException.
- When PDF converted to PDF_A_1B, a blue color on image is different.
- Image PDF to Searchable PDF - Search in output file doesn't work.
- PNG to PDF conversion issue.
Released: Jul 31, 2017
Updates in V17.7
- Read hyperlinks associated with image files.
- PDF to DOC: the lines on a first page are shifted.
- PDF to HTML: Chinese characters are not rendered correctly.
- PDF to HTML: Contents overlap table border.
- PDF to HTML: Images colors are lost in resultant file.
- PDF to HTML: characters are being replaced with boxes.
- PDF_A_1B validation result is incorrect.
- PDF to DOC: Text trimmed from top.
- PDF to PPTX superscript texts are not aligned properly.
- PDF to PPTX - side notes are missing from...
Released: Jun 28, 2017
Updates in V17.6
- Read the height of a table in an existing PDF file.
- LineAnnotation and PolyLineAnnotation measurement recalculation upon resize.
- Not able to create bulleted list in heading.
- When PDF is converted to PDF_A_1B, output file is still classic PDF.
- Hindi text replacement results into incorrect text.
- PDF to PDF/A - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during conversion.
- Default padding for HtmlFragment in Table cell.
- PDF to DOCX - Formatting issues in resultant file.
- HTML to PDF - Ambiguous...
Released: Jun 12, 2017
Updates in V17.5.0
- Adds support for rich media (including MPEG4 or MOV) annotations.
- Multi-page tiff to PDF with portrait orientation loses fidelity.
- PDF to HTML - Space and positioning issues.
- PDF to HTML conversion loses the text.
- PDF to HTML: TOC links are lost in output HTML.
- License not working with Apache server.
- Image to PDF - Image output is not correct in PDF.
- PDF to HTML results into incorrect text.
- PDF creation process keeps running and never stops.
- PDF to PDFA1B: compliance failure due...
Released: Apr 27, 2017
Updates in V17.4.0
- Exception thrown when using PDF Digital signatures.
- API reference is not upto date.
- PDF to PDFA: compliance failure error messages details.
- PDF to TIFF: output image is jumbled.
- PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file size is significantly increased.
- Incorrect output when Importing XML Data into XFA Document.
- Corrupted watermark when using API in trial mode.
- PDF to JPEG - Resultant image is not correct.
- Incorrect results while Importing multiline annotation via XFDF.
- PDF to PDFA1a: Background color...
Released: Apr 6, 2017
Updates in V17.3.0
- PDF Merge Gives NullPointerException.
- Exception thrown when using Pdf Digital signature.
- Annotation import throws exception An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.
- PDF to JPG: text missing in output image.
- Form filled information changes after merge.
- PDF to PDF/A-1B: document is not compliant.
- PDF to PDFA1b: compliance failure due to CMYK error.
- PDF to DOCX - Exception during conversion.
- PCL to PDF: incorrect output is generated.
- PDF to PNG conversion results into a...
Released: Feb 23, 2017
Updates in V17.2.0
- Added support for PDF/A_3U format.
- Read graph charts from PDF files.
- HTML to PDF - Formatting issues in resultant file.
- HTML to PDF: some text is overlapped in resultant PDF.
- PCL to PDF: multiple pages are overlaping in output PDF.
- PCL to PDF: contents(table columns) are not expanding as per page layer.
- Formatting Issue when converting pdf to ppt.
- Exception when trying to extract table from PDF file.
- TIFF to PDF - Exception during conversion.
- PDF to PDFA problem with transparent...
Released: Jan 26, 2017
Updates in V17.1.0
- Added support for converting from LaTeX to PDF.
- PDF to PDFA - Distorted image.
- PDF to PPTX - Some text is absent.
- PDF to HTML - Text is not properly being rendered.
- HTML to PDF - Incorrect alignment of the page contents.
- PDF to DOCX throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.
- PDF to DOC - Formatting of half table is lost.
- Problems in PCL to PDF conversion.
- TIFF to PDF - Conversion takes too much time.
- PDF to XPS - Transparent rectangle rendering issue.
- NullPointerException when...
Released: Dec 26, 2016
Updates in V16.12.0
- Adds support PDF/A_2U format.
- PDF to PDF/A - resultant file size gets 17 times of the original PDF size.
- Text replace changes text Alignment to Left Aligned.
- Missing methods in HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlPageMarkupSavingInfo.
- PDF to JPEG: incorrect text characters rendering.
- CallBack approach to load ResourceLoadingStrategy is showing errors.
- PDF to DOCX - Right indent is not being honored.
- PDF to DOCX: Paragraph indent values are not retained.
- PDF to PDF/A - Highlight box hides the...
Released: Nov 28, 2016
Updates in V16.11.0
- Added the ability to check the status of a concatenation.
- NullPointerException while creating PrinterSettings object in Linux.
- PDF to PDFA conversion is throwing EmptyValue Exception in a multi-thread Java application.
- PDF to PNG - Blurry resultant image.
- Issue with PageCollection insert method.
- Arabic text is not center aligned in a table cell.
- Adobe Reader shows error when placing Image inside a Table cell.
- Font replacement issue.
- PDF to DOCX: footnote is not rendering as a...