Aspose.PDF for Java Releases
Released: Jun 29, 2018
Updates in V18.6
- Rotate Text Character angle.
- Support for PDF to XLSX conversion.
- PDF to HTML: problems with visibility and formatting symbols.
- Incorrect string calculations result in cropped italic watermark.
- Cannot retrieve size of all fonts.
- Some threads hangs for the latest Java for PDF.
- Exception while instantiating license in Web application.
- Exception when trying to run project through maven on MAC.
- Exception trying to read bookmark from PDF file.
- Creating a PDF from Text in Cloud...
Released: Jun 4, 2018
Updates in V18.5
- Set default font name when saving PDF files.
- Get all fonts from a document.
- NullPointerException when saving PDF as HTML.
- Throws exception "Incomplete private key - missing CRT." when signing document with .PFX file.
- PDF to HTML - Extra space is being rendered
- PDF to HTML - Hyperlinks are removed in resultant file.
Released: Apr 29, 2018
Updates in V18.4
- Cannot retrieve watermark text from PDF.
- Security error when setting custom font directory.
- PDF to HTML - hangs and takes a very long time.
- PDF to HTML - header text is not rendered correctly.
- PDF to HTML - text rendered incorrectly.
- RedactArea corrupts the PDF.
Released: Apr 4, 2018
Updates in V18.3
- PDF to PDFA2a - converting PDF to PDFA2a fails compliance (Linux).
- TIFF to PDF - a disordered image is created.
- Text gets disturbed after replacements.
- HTML to PDF - the width of PDF is increased.
- PDF to HTML - bold text is too heavy in FireFox.
- An exception raised while redacting PDF document.
- PDF to PPTX - pie charts are not appearing properly.
- PDF to HTML - text and lines are misplaced.
Released: Feb 28, 2018
Updates in V18.2
- Create NamedDestinations in existing PDF files.
- Redaction API throws an exception.
- Output PDF - Incorrect count of bookmarks.
- Text extraction hikes memory utilization.
- PDF to HTML - Icon position wrong.
- Import XSL-FO - Absolute URI is too short error.
- Text corrupted after conversion to HTML.
- Unable to delete a non-PDF file after PdfFileInfo.
- TIFF to PDF: Output file is empty when color type is Grayscale.
Released: Jan 31, 2018
Updates in V18.1
- Extract text from PDF by paragraph.
- Added PostScript to PDF conversion.
- Added EPS to PDF conversion.
- Converting XFA form adds two extra pages.
- PCL to PDF - PCL line space sequences do not work.
- XFA to Standard - Exception during conversion.
- HTML to PDF conversion - Contents moves off the page.
- DropDown value is not completely visible when calling flatten() method.
- PDF to PDF/A - Exception during conversion.
- PDF to PDF/A - Vertical text renders in different order.
- PDF to JPG...
Released: Dec 31, 2017
Updates in V17.12
- PDF to JPEG - Missing text in output JPG.
- PDF to HTML - Text misplaced in resultant HTML.
- HTML to PDF - Conversion process hangs.
- PDF to HTML - Text changes position.
- PDF to DOC - Text is wrapped.
- PDF to XPS - Colored images change to greyscale.
- PDF to PDF/A - Text appears overlapped.
- PDF to DOCX - Text overlapping in resultant file.
- PDF to HTML - Text shifted to left side.
- PDF to Excel - Blank file is generated.
- Opening a PDF file from a stream and adding an annotation invalidates the...
Released: Nov 29, 2017
Updates in V17.11
- Exception thrown in multi-threaded environment.
- Named destinations are lost when processing bookmarks.
- PDF cropping problem.
- PDF to PDF/A-2U does not highlight target phrase after search.
- Text Replace - Underline property does not work in text replace functionality.
- Replacing text causes text to go off-screen.
- PDF to PNG - Conversion is slow.
- Null pointer exception during flatten.
- Null pointer error occurred getting form fields.
Released: Nov 1, 2017
Updates in V17.10
- PDF TO PPTX - spacing issue.
- PDF to PDF/A_1b - Text is garbled in resultant file.
- PDF to PPTX - conversion issues.
- Too much memory usage when calling delegate CallBackGetHocr.
- Formula based field is not working after converting from XFA to Standard.
- An exception has thrown in a multithreaded environment.
- Foreign Language Characters get mangled while Text Extraction.
- Unable to supply the license outside of the callable.
- PDF to DOCX - Content is missing in the resultant file.
Released: Oct 2, 2017
Updates in V17.9
- JPG to PDF increased PDF file size.
- Significant performance decrease issue regarding memory usage and time consumption.
- XPS to PDF: performance issue.
- PDF to HTML: some text becomes smaller.
- Using CallBackGetHocr results with blank image.
- API is throwing java.awt.HeadlessException Exception at Document load.
- PDF to DOCX - incorrect rendering of Hebrew text.
- Evaluation mark is being added in output while using valid license.
- PDF to PDF/A - compliance error: Real value out of range.
- TIFF to...