CodeRush Releases

Released: Dec 17, 2020

Updates in 20.2.5


  • Exclude Generated Code from Analysis - CodeRush now allows you to exclude files and code regions that contain generated code from code analysis and code cleanup. Just open the Editor | All Languages | Generated Code options page and add the necessary file patterns or region titles to bypass during analysis and code cleanup.
  • Smart Dot Enhancements
    • You can now quickly multi-press the dot key (".") when the caret is inside parens in a method call with parameters. CodeRush will move the dot...

Released: Nov 18, 2020

Updates in 20.2.4


Naming Conventions

  • EditorConfig Support - You can now configure naming conventions in CodeRush using the Microsoft Visual Studio's naming styles options and corresponding settings in the EditorConfig file.

Blazor Support

  • Declare Providers - CodeRush declaration providers are now available from @code sections in .razor files. You can use them to declare local variables, methods, parameters, fields, properties, and constants. Type is intelligently inferred from the surrounding code...

Released: Oct 27, 2020

Updates in 20.2.3


Blazor Support

  • Refactorings - Declare Event Handler
    • This release introduces the "Declare Event Handler (Razor code block)" and "Declare Event Handler (Razor code behind)" refactorings. These refactorings generate an event handler in the @code block of a .razor file and in a Razor code-behind file (razor.cs) for the selected method reference.

Organize Members Enhancements

  • You can now create rules to group members by:
    • Member type name (property/field type, method return type, etc...

Released: Sep 29, 2020

Updates in 20.1.8


Blazor Support

  • Extract Razor Component - This release introduces the "Extract Razor Component" code provider. This code provider allows you to extract selected HTML markup into a new Razor component file (Component.razor). You can then reuse and share the Razor component in all your projects. This code provider also adds new Blazor usings to the _Imports.razor file.

XAML Support

  • Element Spacing Formatting Options - This release supports Microsoft Visual Studio's Element Spacing...

Released: Sep 3, 2020

Updates in 20.1.7


  • Improved Microsoft Blazor support - Added new Blazor templates.
  • Improved HTML support - Ported templates for HTML from CodeRush Classic.


  • Fixed an issue where IntelliRush breaks auto-formatting on tag completion for XAML in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
  • Fixed an issue where CodeRush causes typing slowdowns after opening a solution.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Use String.Format" refactoring is not available for the code that contains a variable’s value or the result of an expression...

Released: Aug 4, 2020

Updates in 20.1.6


  • Changes in CodeRush Menu Position Customization for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 - Visual Studio 2019 16.4 and up now allows you to specify where CodeRush menus should be placed, and so the older CodeRush option (on the Quick Setup options page) has been removed, which also gives you a slight performance boost on startup (saving about 1600ms on a typical dev machine). By default, the CodeRush menu is placed in Visual Studio Extensions menu.
  • Blazor Support
    • The following CodeRush features...

Released: Jul 2, 2020

Updates in 20.1.5


Unit Testing - Run Settings File Support - You can now exclude the following members, files, and assemblies from Code Coverage analysis using a .runsettings file:

  • Source files matching a specified path/name pattern.
  • Signed assemblies matching a specified public key token.
  • Members with a specified matching attribute.
  • Assemblies having a specified AssemblyCompany attribute value.

Blazor Support - Blazor developers get improved template and refactoring support in this release.

  • Code...

Released: Jun 4, 2020

Updates in 20.1.4


  • Unit Testing - In this release the CodeRush Test Runner gains the ability to show and run tests for all target frameworks in multi-framework projects. You can run tests for all target frameworks or for only tests in a selected framework.
  • Code Formatting - CodeRush lets you configure line breaks around and within simple statements (statements that consist of a single line of code that ends in a semicolon, for example, method calls, return statements, throw statements, etc.) and empty...

Released: Apr 30, 2020

Updates in 20.1.3


  • Duplicate Code Detection - Now you can detect structurally similar blocks of С# code, in a solution or an active project, making it easier to identify improve the quality of your code bases.
  • Unit Testing
    • Run Settings File Support - With this release, you can exclude specific functions from Code Coverage analysis using a *.runsettings file.
    • Test Discovery Enhancements - The CodeRush Unit Test Runner can now discover tests in source code and assemblies when you open a solution. This...

Released: Mar 18, 2020

Updates in 19.2.9


Blazor Support

  • Refactorings and Code Providers - You can now apply refactorings and code providers from @code sections in .razor files. The following refactorings and code providers are all available for .razor:
    • Add/Remove Block Delimiters
    • Add Else Statement
    • Collapse/Expand Local Function
    • Collapse/Expand Method/Property
    • Collapse Accessors
    • Combine/Split Conditionals
    • Compress/Expand Assignment
    • Compress to/Expand Null Coalescing Operation
    • Conditional to Switch/Switch to Conditional...